Any designers doing contract work right now?

15 Nov 2007
Looking to get a bit of feedback from designers out there who have been or are contracting at the moment.

Bit of background - I've got 11 years experience as a designer, and I'm currently a manager with 4 designers under me. We're part of the in-house agency for a large multinational, and work on digital design (banners, landing pages, emails, websites).

The pay is fine and the job seems secure, but I've been there for nearly 6 years and it's making me miserable. My boss is extremely difficult to deal with and issues that I have with him or the company get ignored or thrown back in my face. Others have complained about things and have received the same treatment. It's a really toxic environment.

I've been looking for another job for months now, but permanent jobs are low in number for what I do, and I can't even get an interview (despite good feedback from recruiters). I'm thinking that I might be better off quitting and looking for contract work until something permanent comes along.

Are there are any folks out there contracting as designers right now, and if so, what's it like? Are you worried for your future or do there seem to be enough jobs out there to keep going?

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