Any disadvantage using the 21 multi on a 920?

25 Jun 2008
I have a 920 + Asus P6T se.

Currently I am playing around with the best way to get 4ghz stable.

I have found that with turbo disabled and using the 21multi fixed with the speed step disabled I have it rock steady at 21 x 190 for 4ghz @ 1.23V.

This is perfectly stable on a titan fenrir.

However if I drop the multi down to 20 and the clock to 200 I cannot get it stable under air, it gets to the 90's after 15 mins and eventually crashes. Also takes more volts to do this, 1.275 instead of 1.23.

Currently I have benched 3dmark 06 and noticed next to no advantaged in not using the turbo multi. I am hoping I am not losing anything performance wise running the 21 multi?

Thanks for advice, this is sooooo different to the old cd2 stuff.
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