Any Drum & Bass DJs inside?

2 Jun 2004
Easy all you curious viewers of this thread, hows things?

On the off chance that you actually do dj dnb, please post :)

If you just saw this post in the 'new posts section and couldnt care less, i do appologise, i suppose at the very least i should have included a photo to make the click into this thead worthwhile, maybe the slightly unothadox approach this thread is taking has redeemed it somewhat?

Good replys people.

For the record (i know this aint a court of law : )

I don't disklike cdjs I'd like to see the future have cdjs used in conjunction with vinyl perhaps as much as 50%/50%.

I love vinyl tho' and I dont love CDs.. there is just something special about decks and vinyl, just even watching it play.

For the person who wants NEW drum and bass, check out stuff on Hospital label for liquidy/uplifting/soulful dnb, and RAM Records for Jump Up style, there's a ton of other labels too, I wouldn't recommend the panecea tho, its proper rapage of the ear ;) (imo) however, check it out and see for yourself, u may love it,
Nah Ram is still having quality releases, if it wasn't for Sub Focus on their team then they wouldnt be much at all, cept for Andy's DJing skills which remain awesome.
Big!! I thought that the thread had come to the end of its life after showing that we do a have a couple of dnb heads on here, wicked to see more have showed up!!

On the download man, will let u know what i think.

The bits im waiting on are on Shogun Audio (DJ Frictions label as most of you know)

Alix Perez & Sabre - Solitary Native (HUGE tune)
Alix Perez & Fats - Down the Line (wicked also)

They promo'd a couple of weeks ago, so probably only 2-3 weeks, but then Commix- Talk to Frank took absolutely years and got put back 3 times I think :S
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