Any good places for pics around Norwich?

2 Jan 2011
Edinburgh, Scotland
I'm going down to Norwich tomorrow for holidays and I'm taking my camera with me :)

anyone know of decent places to take pictures around that area? since I've never been there and I live absolutely nowhere near there (over seven and a half hour journey, oh the joy :() I have no ideas on where to look.

so, can you guys help me? :)
Dude it's the Lord Mayor's Procession today. It's a big carnival parade, so check that out.

Starts at 5pm for a few hours, with events afterwards. The parade runs from St Stephens Round About, to Tombland.

Other than that, you could try the area around Elm street for old world style buildings.

If you can get to the top of Norfolk tower you'd have panoramic views of the city.
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