Any good riding schools in the North East?

18 Jan 2011
South London
I was up home home over the weekend with the bike let my dad have a pootle around a local industrial park on Sunday on my GSX650F. He used to ride bikes when he was about my age but hasn't really ridden in about 25-30 years and is now mad keen to get a "little adventure bike" (:rolleyes:) so that we can go for rides together and with other biking members of our family. He got on surprisingly well with my bike (despite thinking it was too heavy for him) so I'd like to book him in for a 1 day lesson before he goes out and just buys a bike.
Does anyone know of any good riding schools up in the Newcastle/Sunderland area?

Here's a photo of him on my bike grinning from ear to ear!
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