Any good train sims out there?

10 Apr 2004
Darlington, County Durham
Tried Trainz, and the Trainz 2006 - don't know why, but I simply just don't like their software. It has a "controlled" feel about it - sign up for this, pay for faster downloads, pay for that. I want a working train simulator, which isn't out for my blood.

I loved MS Train Simulator - but it's starting to show its age now, graphic-wise. I liked it because you had more passenger tasks (I'm not taken by shunting/non-passenger tasks), and it felt more intuitive.

Any decent train simulators on the horizon? Or are we stuck with the two, what I feel main, ones?
Jongo said:
What do u even do on train simulators?
Drive a train?

This thread is not for the discussion as to how good they are in people's eyes.

You either like train sims, or you don't - end of story.
I do like MSTS, but I found the lack of Northern England routes and bad graphics put me off. :o

I paid for a CD once - I think it was some Inverness route. It was nice, but it felt half-developed. :(

I'd love to get back into making routes - something I never quite got into. I might even have another go - I have an 18mb odd PDF tutorial somewhere, which set me back a fiver.

In the meantime, I suppose I'll make do with what's out there right now, until another decent train sim pops along. :(
Just given BVE v4 a spin, on the Birmingham Cross-City South route.

It was awkward to setup at first - then, thanks to lack of instructions in the tutorial here, it took me about 20 minutes to figure out that I had to toggle the DRA. :o

I think BVE is my new software - pretty impressive, and quite detailed.
leezer3 said:
We have a convert to BVE :D
I'm at but don't expect anything near Birmingham X City South ;)

It's a step in the right direction from MSTS - I might even research how to make routes for BVE. It's high time we had a Northeast/County Durham one. :cool:

Anybody know of any lengthy (ie: couple of hours) runs?

The only thing I can't see in BVE, is to save your progress midway through a run. :(
Hope you don't mind me picking your brains, leezer3.

Downloaded that Tyne Valley route. Along with (HST?) and (the class 156 for BVE 2?).

They mention this:
My BVE 4 route uses a modified version of the BVE 2 train. The route will work with the new BVE 4 Class 156, available here. However, until I update the route file, you will need to modify the route file to use the new train, or use BVE Route Randomiser to change trains.
So what do I change exactly? I didn't download the third link.

God this can be such a pain sometimes. :o
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