any guitar musicians here?

18 Feb 2007

in need of a bit of help, im after a marshall amp for my acoustic electric and electric guitar.

if i was too get a standard marshall amp would it be ok for an acoustic electric as i dont want to have to get a seperate aucoustic amp.

beachBOYken said:
If i was too get a standard marshall amp would it be ok for an acoustic electric as i dont want to have to get a seperate acoustic amp.

Yeah it should be fine, it won't sound as good as going into a proper acoustic amp but it'll definately sound alright.
you COULD use a marshall's clean channel for acoustic but you'd obviosuly be FAR better using an acoustic amp/keyboard amp or straight into a PA... basically with acoustics you want a FRFR (Full Range, Flat Response) amplifier and speaker system.... a guitar amp is most definately not FRFR and so will colour the acoustic sound a lot ... but if you want it for basic stuff/practicing/etc you'll be fine....
Acoustics -> clean channel = clean electric sound.. trust :(

Not that it's a bad sound. It obviously has a little more, but not much difference, except you get the feel of playing acoustic which is different to electrics (string spacing etc).

If you're getting one of the solid state ones, they sometimes have "CD input", I've found plugging your instrument into that changes the sound to a lesser degree than going fully through the pre-amp.
georges said:
If you're getting one of the solid state ones, they sometimes have "CD input", I've found plugging your instrument into that changes the sound to a lesser degree than going fully through the pre-amp.

but still has the problem of having to go through a guitar amplifiers speakers :) but going straight into the power amp is an option although it won't be as loud and some amps won't even let you control the volume if there's no master volume!!

You can do this on almost all amps (ie jack into the power amp) but plugging into the "FX Return" jack on the amp...
that will be fine, you can plug your acoustic straight into the clean channel or go into the FX Return jack... either way you'll be ok!
that depends on what you need from the amp in terms of electric guitar because that amp while best for acoustic will not be useable for electric.... whereas the other amp is obviously great for electric guitar and still useable for acoustic??

well ive got a electric guitar but i dont play it as ive gone onto bass and acoustic , but like you say with the normal amp i can have both through it, but then if i only play the acoustic i should get a proper acoustic amp?

really stuck on what one to get :confused:

i must say i do love acoustic , i have not picked up my old electric for about 2 years.

beachBOYken said:
and there also called musicians :)

anyway ive decided on the acoustic amp at £320.

cheers ;)

i was gonna come back and say sounds like you should just get the acoustic amp - it will be MUCH better for acoustic and since you never play electric I'd go with that! :) enjoy!
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