Any Heatmiser gurus here?

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Retired Don
Hi guys,

During a home extension and renovation, we've had Heatmiser items fitted. The builders have fitted:
  • Heatmiser UH4 unit
  • NeoStat Hot Water controller
  • 4x Neostat V2 controllers for the 4 bathrooms electric underfloor heating
  • 2x NeoStat WiFi controllers for two areas of wet underfloor heating
  • a Neostat WiFi for the upstairs central heating
  • a NeoHub

First of all, is the above a good setup, or should they have use NeoStat V2 everywhere instead of the WiFi for the UFH and central heating?

Secondly, is how I've setup the app correct, or not really?
  • One location for the NeoHub, which contains the Hot Water plus the 4 bathroom NeoStat V2s
  • 3 other locations, each have one NeoStat WiFi in it (for the 2x wet UFH stats and the central heating. Should I have done 3 locations, or should I have put all of the WiFi stats in one location?
Appreciate any help or guidance!

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