any HTPC and Plasma users

18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
do any of you game ?

i fancy a bit of 37" Halflife 2

but im worried about what resolution will look best. Does anybody have any experience with this ?

also, what resolution will provide readable text (if any ?)

as i would like to do a bit of web browsing, but im worried that as pretty much every resolution would have to be scaled, the text is going to look horrible.
Well i've not played hl2 on my hdtv but i have done some bf2 and it looked amazing in glorious 50" the resolution was 1280X720 or a slightly scaled down image to get rid of the overscan but if you are using a HTPC with MCE 2K5 you could get the MCE browser plug in from

Not tried it myself but the guys on greenbutton seem to be happy with it.
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