any customers here?

15 Sep 2003

I hate these kind of threads.

My websites seem to be down, anyone who's a customer of experiencing downtime?

I have emailed support but not heard anything.


Pretty serious issue with one of the servers - it's being worked on. Details will be sent by email to all customers in due course.
Sorry, I didn't realise you had clients on there!

We're currently restoring from backups - hopefully most sites will be online in 60 mins. So much for a peaceful day...
2000 sites - one of the largest servers we have. The bad day to end all bad days...

ETA... 50% of sites are back online. Rest should be coming up shortly.
Adz said:
2000 sites - one of the largest servers we have. The bad day to end all bad days...

ETA... 50% of sites are back online. Rest should be coming up shortly.

:(. I hate those days.

What happened? Must have been a key component.
unknowndomain said:
Adz if its one of the largest with 2000 on it how many customers do you have seems like a bigger business that I initally thought.
K1z is now just one of the brands operated by the company run by Adz :) :cool:
My site's still down, dont' suppose you're anywhere near msn are you adz?
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