Any Mech Warrior Games on the Horizon?

21 Jan 2003
Hey guys,

How cool would it be if we had a decent online mech warrior type game, along the lines of say WoW.

You start off as a junior trainee, you have to qualify to be a mech warrior. You can then choose to go fight for one of the houses or perhaps gain employment in a merc unit.

Work your way up from say a poorly armed and armoured locust and so on.

How cool would that be?

Of course it would have to be in first person, ie you sit in the **** pit, none of this 3rd person stuff.

Mech warrior mercs online and with a role playing element!!! WICKED!!

would be the best way of doing it,

You could have the light class mechs, also you could possibly play as groud support or even have to start off as ground support, it would be a really good venture i think,

Surprised it hasnt been done.
i think so, but planet side turned to crap pretty quick, as is common with soe games!!

Its the whole mech warrior culture and such that i want in a game though.

If anyone has read any of the books, they will know what i am on about lol
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