Any microbiologists out there?

31 Dec 2004
Essex, UK
I am writing a sci fi book and I need a certain thing to occur but want some scientific basis behind it.


1000 litres of a self-sustaining, highly self-replicating, non dangerous microbe is introduced into the water system of a planet that in its human like evolution has only just reached the stage where the 'humans' would be practising sedentry agriculture so say 12-15K years ago.


How long would it take for the 'Humans' all over the planet to show significant levels in their systems enough to be noticeable to modern mediciene?
Thanks guys, I knew I could trust GD :)

Its an earth like planet so similar water to earth ratio, the microbes could be transmitted through consumption of animals or just by drinking water and would thrive in blood.

However their rate of growth can be killed outside of -50 degrees centigrade to +200 degrees, and maintained at body temperature.

Have a read at this
It demonstrates the ability for rain to spread bacteria.

Thats very interesting and would apply.
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Archaea with the photosythesis properties of Cyanobacteria, however not an archaea that fits in with current sub group classifications as it can survive extreme cold, heat and be spread through sea water as well as fresh water. I think it highly plausible that the 'humans' are beginning exploration of the oceans.
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They aren't bees... I am working on the background for my story, to make it work I need an event to happen in its history that triggers its dominant life form to diverge from how we humans have progressed if they also have experienced stuff like the dark ages and wars that held us back.
Hikari: There are many factors that advance and decelerate innovation. Society allows us to be self centric, if it did not and was very driven instead we could be 1000 years ahead right now.

Xordium: What I need to happen does mean it will be like a retrovirus but in the form of a microbe. I just need to know how quickly something like this could spread as I need a logical time frame for this lay dormant until a trigger starts a more physical change.
ok... what would you suggest for something that can lay apparently dormant for about 6-12k years, spread relatively easily and insert genetic material within a race with out noticeably affecting it and not being attacked by any immune system?
For all the help we are giving you we want Hovis in your story somewhere.

The progenitor with the virus had been called Adam Hovis as requested :D

FunkyCowie, it would help if you told us exactly what it is you're looking for.

Basically I am looking for a way to create a new form of human due to the infection of this virus.
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Ok so I have finally decided on the dynamic I require for this part of my back ground story.

This change that happens prepares 'humanity' for the next step where the progenitor, on first contact with the original source or something related to it, undergoes an aggressive change in his physiology. So in my mind it should work that not everyone can catch this twice due to an 'immunity' developed over time but a portion will under go this change which will enhance their physical abilities and mental acumen... and a negative side affect or two.

What Muzz333 said finally nailed it for me, I had some idea of what I wanted I just had no way of getting it out of my head and on paper. Thanks for that mental trigger :)

I just don't know if it can be scientifically explained.
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