I've just received one of these a few hours ago, bought it mainly for its size, but i have a few questions, the answers to which i can't find on the net >.<
In the manual, it says exceeding the recharging time may cause a fire... now i've only had 1 other mp3 player (ibead 150, awesome mp3 player) and i dont remember it saying the same in it's manual. Is this just something they write so that theyre not liable if your house burns down? Because i think i'm likely to leave the player plugged into the USB port after the machine has been switched off, and my mobo still supplies power to usb in power down state. Is this something to avoid?
Also, again in the manual it says recharge the product using usb cable when LCD screen is not activated. But when i plug in the cable, the LED screen activates, and nothing i press can do anything. So the screen stays on until i remove the device from the usb port.
And finally... if anyone has a black one.. how do you avoid getting prints all over the player? Or have you just stopping caring about them? -.-
In the manual, it says exceeding the recharging time may cause a fire... now i've only had 1 other mp3 player (ibead 150, awesome mp3 player) and i dont remember it saying the same in it's manual. Is this just something they write so that theyre not liable if your house burns down? Because i think i'm likely to leave the player plugged into the USB port after the machine has been switched off, and my mobo still supplies power to usb in power down state. Is this something to avoid?
Also, again in the manual it says recharge the product using usb cable when LCD screen is not activated. But when i plug in the cable, the LED screen activates, and nothing i press can do anything. So the screen stays on until i remove the device from the usb port.
And finally... if anyone has a black one.. how do you avoid getting prints all over the player? Or have you just stopping caring about them? -.-