Looking for info really.
Done a wide variety of jobs throughout my lifetime. 35 now. Got a mortgage but no kids. Got a degree in sound engineering.
Currently working for a car manufacturer for the last 18 months, it's good pay, guaranteed £3k payrise every Feb until i hit £40k in 2 years time but the work is extremely menial and repetitive and i have to work nights every 3rd week. Mainly i miss dealing with people strangely enough.
I have been giving some serious thought about becoming a mortgage advisor, even possibly a financial advisor later on.
Was just wondering if anyone on here is a mortgage advisor and if so would you recommend it?
Been looking at online CeMap courses and could afford to do it but before i purchase it looking for opinions of those in the know.
Done a wide variety of jobs throughout my lifetime. 35 now. Got a mortgage but no kids. Got a degree in sound engineering.
Currently working for a car manufacturer for the last 18 months, it's good pay, guaranteed £3k payrise every Feb until i hit £40k in 2 years time but the work is extremely menial and repetitive and i have to work nights every 3rd week. Mainly i miss dealing with people strangely enough.
I have been giving some serious thought about becoming a mortgage advisor, even possibly a financial advisor later on.
Was just wondering if anyone on here is a mortgage advisor and if so would you recommend it?
Been looking at online CeMap courses and could afford to do it but before i purchase it looking for opinions of those in the know.