Any native Polish speakers?

Great, there are :cry:

So for a bit more clarity, we're doing a project for a local NHS department about maternity services and we need some video scripts translating. We based our original quote on a translation agency's quote, but it turns out they made a mistake and aren't willing to honour it, so they've got us and the NHS bent over a barrel. We're still going to use a translation firm for three other, more uncommon languages (like Urdu!), but I thought Polish is so common we may be able to save the NHS some budget by going direct, so-to-speak.

There's 10 scripts, all under 1,000 words each and totalling 7,360. They're all on topics about how issues like obesity and diabetes can affect pregnancy. So like I said, it's a semi-pro, fully-paid gig. If you or your partners are interested let me know how much they'd charge based on how long they think it will take. There's no huge rush so happy for them to take their time doing one script in an evening etc.

The language throughout is very simple, plain English bar medical-specific terms.
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