any new ipad2 games that really take advantage?

30 Aug 2006
anything new in app store that shows us this 9 times faster gpu , i have a few games but cant really see the difference compared to ipad 1 ? includes infinity blade etc ......i feel that developers are just saying its ipad2 enhanced but its not ......
I have a one and the wife has a 2, I havent noticed any differences apart from maybe its a bit smoother in 3d apps
Although there are a few apps that insist on an iPad 2 for one reason or another, I suspect the problem is at least in part the number of iPad 1s still in use. Not to mention iPhones and iPods for universal apps.

The likes of infinity Blade and Real Racing 2 certainly look nicer on the iPad 2 in comparison shots though. I think the potential is there but is under-utilised at present.
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