ANy new PC speaker systems due from the big boys any time soon?

8 Sep 2005
Creatives Gigaworks S750 has been out for a few years now and contains the fundamental technical flaw that cripples it (ie: it dies. A lot)... and Logitechs Z-5500 range is decent but has too much base and people complain about the mid-range.

Does anyone know if either Creative or Logitech are planning any new 5.1/7.1 speakers any time soon? I tried Googling and checking sites but can't find anything... and i'm really looking to upgrade my rooms sound sytem from the poor T6100 speaker set i have now. I see Logitech recently launched a G51 speaker set but it doesn't say whether they are planning any development form this. I'm really looking for something equivalent in quality to the S750's, but more reliable.

I would look into seperates but I a) know sod all about them, and b) am not sure if the cost would rocket over a dedicated PC speaker set. :)
I never see the point of buying speakers specifically for a PC, connect your speaker out to a decent AMP then go from there :)

Unfortunately I don't know enough about seperates and non-PC speaker systems etc to know how i'd go about building a PC capable system that could run all my games, TV etc. Plus, budget is max £250.
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