Any nice person have a wow buddy key I can have please?

27 Oct 2002
My friend has leant me his disks but he's lost the insert with his buddy key on it :rolleyes:

Does anyone have a spare buddy key I can use please?


Thanks in advance ;)
Go on, go on, go on, go oooooon...

I'll swap it for 20 dog biscuits, a key to a lock that no longer exists, a punctured balloon, a toffee from centre parks and a plastic cd sleeve - what is more attractive than that?!? ;)
i got one tried pm'ing you it but i dont have the privelege apparently.
add me on msn... [email protected]

please no1 else bother adding me i wont give you it :p

ahh well ill post it here first come first served i guess.


and your welcome :)
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danyulland said:
i got one tried pm'ing you it but i dont have the privelege apparently.
add me on msn... [email protected]

please no1 else bother adding me i wont give you it :p

ahh well ill post it here first come first served i guess.


and your welcome :)

Thank you very much, just created the account. Can't wait ;)
I also have a trial guest account for anyone that needs it.

Bought this game just over a month ago, cant get in to it, but not uninstalling just yet, might buy some game time in the future.

I did get one of those trial guest pass accounts with my game, so first come first served ... apparently you need to have the game CD's or be able to borrow them to use it though.
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