Any other CCNA cisco students here?

22 Apr 2014
Cornwall, UK
Just curious if there are any other students who have to do CCNA along side their programming degree, also my college is using Borland 5.5. Am I right it's a waste of tuition fees for an outdated programme? At home I use codeblocks with mingW, it's better in my opinion, whilst learning C and C+.
Oh right. I'm still in my first semester but term two. I think term three were doing java. Managed to finish my sprint last week ready for one final go over and debugging.

I'm lagging on the ccna. Typical as I want to do network security, on my potato laptop I struggle to use ccna and packet tracer. Constantly sync issued when I take my online exams. I think the online ccna modules are 10% weight of my first year so not so bothered. I don't want to be burnt out before my second year.

The foundation degree I'm doing is called. Computing, Networking & Software Development.

I love playing in the lab with the switches and routers. Cisco is awesome, but I wish i had gone for comp tia a+ mcse and mcsa now tho. I don't mind programming I'm 33 and have been a chef for 18 years so I find it hard to remember code, I can make 1000s of dishes tho and know all seasonal foods haha. Thanks for the reply.

Kind regards.
Wow you on for a challenge taking this course mind it’s not as easy as you think.

When it come to the uni modules about security for some very odd reason we had to pick a topic out of a hat, stand up and talk about that topic every week. I hated that day every single week as it appeared we where doing things not related to the course but it was all fun.

I had to make a bank in Java so you could deposit, Withdraw and apply for a loan etc with an admin panel I cried myself to sleep as I was the last to get how to code. I wasn’t there for the coding I was there for the security.

My course was networking and security FD.
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