Any photoshop experts here?

21 Oct 2002
At home of course :p
Hi all, I've never used photoshop before, but I have a mate of mine and I'd like to stick his head on someone elses body. I made an attempt of my own, but it was quite frankly rubbish so would like someone else to do it if possible? The main problem I have is that he's quite pale and the body it's going on has a tanned neck, so the skin tones really do not match up that well.

Anyone out there willing to consider it/name their price for what's probably 15 mins work to a skilled person?
Kerplunk said:
Ver iz ze pic?

Haven't posted it, as knowing you lot he'll end up in 30 different amusing pics :p Was hoping to send it just to the person who'll do it?
mrdbristol said:
Check your inbox. :p


Wow - Thanks so much :)

That was a million times better than the attempt I made there - thanks a million.
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