Any Pre Cu or Cu SWG Jedi here then?

Gave up the ghost at beginning of the year as got Jedi before the NGE and NGE killed the game for so many people. My guild died again and that was the second one to do it as the CU killed my previous guild before.

Was doing the village quests when NGE hit, damn I was SO in to it as well. Google for SWGEmu, it's interesting.
made jedi just before the cu, managed to get double bladed 4 and was just starting to love it before they changed it all :( was also quite a successful docter at the time which obviously got completely destroyed with the cu..

Was a sad sad time really, althought i think the game was going downhill fast after the gcw update, the game needed tefs to make it exciting and challenging and make it feel like a gcw, i could never understand why they removed it, i mean i know it was because of people moaning, but the only reason these people were moaning is because as far as i could see they wanted there cake and eat it, they wanted to take part in the gcw but then cried when they ended up in pvp because they just could not handle it, i myself loved the pvp and had some amazing fights just before the cu hit and trained a lot of people in pvp so they enjoyed it as well.

The thing with swg was at the time it was such an incredibly versitile game and if you put enough time into studying the pvp aspects of the game it was highly rewarding and fun, especially with the amazing crafting system the game had at the time, as soon as the pvp went out the window in favour of "carebear" world i became bored and dispondant, my only source of amusement was killing the bounty hunters, but they had managed to suck most of the fun out of that as well buy making special "bh" tefs so other people could not join in.

god i could rant about what they did for ages, i really loved that game, i welcome any constructive discussion or debate about it from you guys.
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lol come on the game was rubbish

Studying PVP ment make FOTM fencer tka mix defence stacking rediculously or a stacked rifleman...spamming Hs3 until everyone was dead. I could take out large turrets and entire faction bases spamming Strafe shot with average sliced T21..

Dont get me started on Combat Medics....

THe game was rubbish and they made it worse....

I still remember beating 17 people at once in monea(sp) starport on naboo

good ridence :O
Efour2 said:
lol come on the game was rubbish

Studying PVP ment make FOTM fencer tka mix defence stacking rediculously or a stacked rifleman...spamming Hs3 until everyone was dead. I could take out large turrets and entire faction bases spamming Strafe shot with average sliced T21..

Dont get me started on Combat Medics....

THe game was rubbish and they made it worse....

I still remember beating 17 people at once in monea(sp) starport on naboo

good ridence :O

Rubbish compared to what lol ? there is no dought it had the greatest crafting mechanism yet in an rpg style mporg and endless potential in most aspects of the game, which was ultimatly its downfall it seems as people found it too complex.

Yes and no about the fotm template, it was a problem, but i never had a fotm template or a heavily stacked template at the time, i was master pike / brawler / with some smuggler if i remember rightly and did fine against most people, for every situation there was a solution imo, most fotm templates relied on stun damage as well which could be negated to almost nothing with the correct armor / food and psgs, thats if they could even hit you if you had dodge skills, and you would kill nobody in pvp with a t21 if they had decent armor really, and especially not if they were a jedi.

Combat medics again, fair enough in some situations they were overpowered, but if you had skilled combat medics and docters on both sides of the team effects caused by one could be quickly negated by another.

I agree the game has got worse, but i dont know how you can say it was a bad game, i really dont think it was, it had its bugs but the game style rewarded intelligent thinking and teamwork and time spent in the game...
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CU jedi here and still playing...sometimes i wonder why, i quit once cos the game felt empty, came back and found an active guild and started to semi-enjoy the game again. its still a shadow of its former glory but the players tend to be more what keep me playing.

the joke is they are implementing "new content" that was stuff they removed with the cu and nge, the expertise system is recycled frs code and pre-9 jedi code almost, restuss is recycled village code... :rolleyes:
Unlocked pre 9 , sold up coz jedi sucked hard core then, should have kept it for when patch 9 hit (stupid me). Came back to the game and wanted jedi back again so also unlocked in the village patch, cant remember what patch number was :S.

Just hoping the EMU works and they get some servers going!
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