Any Pro Evo players?

1 Jul 2007
I loved pro PES back in the day, and having become slightly unenamoured with Fifa downloaded the demo last night. It's excellent. Before I buy it though, I'm a bit worried that it will be a graveyard online. Does anyone play? How easy is it to get an online game?
I loved pro PES back in the day, and having become slightly unenamoured with Fifa downloaded the demo last night. It's excellent. Before I buy it though, I'm a bit worried that it will be a graveyard online. Does anyone play? How easy is it to get an online game?

Yep..I play Pro Evo on PC.

Since Konami got rid of the pirates, server population has dropped quite a bit but you will still never have any problems getting a game....

....I have just been playing as a matter of fact.
Its a good game, but i have to disagree with the guys above.

The Konami servers are terrible, the design of them (i don't mean aesthetically) are what you would expect of game 10 yrs old.

For instance, you load the game up, it connects to Konami...wait... then tells you about game news/updates... wait... then you connect to Konami again.. wait...then you come to game menu... click on what online mode you want to play.. it connects to Konami again.. wait.. you try to find a game but nobody is getting matchmade... so it connects to Konami again... wait.....

Its literally about 10mins (if you can matchmake) before loading up pro evo to an actual game to play online, which you only tolerate so much before going back to Fifa, a game weaker in gameplay but with vastly superior design.
Its a good game, but i have to disagree with the guys above.

The Konami servers are terrible, the design of them (i don't mean aesthetically) are what you would expect of game 10 yrs old.

For instance, you load the game up, it connects to Konami...wait... then tells you about game news/updates... wait... then you connect to Konami again.. wait...then you come to game menu... click on what online mode you want to play.. it connects to Konami again.. wait.. you try to find a game but nobody is getting matchmade... so it connects to Konami again... wait.....

Its literally about 10mins (if you can matchmake) before loading up pro evo to an actual game to play online, which you only tolerate so much before going back to Fifa, a game weaker in gameplay but with vastly superior design.

Could not agree with you more. I got the game on release and kind of regret it. The wait because of servers is sooo annoying. FIFA 15 is a much better game overall. Though I dislike giving EA my money so I am stuck having to play it offline which is fine by me :)
It's a great game

Pffft....great game until you get wise to the antics of the scripting AI perhaps.

When you start to realise how much the flow of the game is determined by the AI and all it's cheap tricks, it starts to take the shine away from your victories whilst piling increased agitation on top of your defeats.

With that said, the AI scripting in FIFA is miles more blatant than in Pro Evo, which is also miles ahead of FIFA where it matters. The gameplay itself. Those who claim FIFA 15 is better can't actually know a lot about or play a lot of football themselves and simply opt for the shiniest most easily accessible overall package...which is of course FIFA.

For a night in with a bunch of mates though, I would take Sensible World of Soccer over both of these titles any day of the week.
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