Any professional coders here?

7 Jun 2003
ok well not professional but someone with experiance coding websites that would code this: (its not team vanity anymore but nvm that)

for a fee of course, the design and photoshop work can all be done by someone else whos doing it for free

if anyone has the abilities to do this let me know (this isnt against the rules is it? selling a service lol?) if its against the rules then i appologise
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ah damn :( can anyone suggest any cheap companys that could code a site like this for a maximum of £150? (i know web coding costs a lot so i probably wont get a lot for that)

i assume people suggesting someone elses services would be aloud? (this is harder than i first thought it'd be)
found someone, the guy who made is cheap, only need the basics so far anyway, the fancy stuff can be done when ive got some proper money to play with :)
nav... said:
good luck at getting more than 3 lines of code for that price.

no offense but comments like that are a bit annoying, we dont all have £1000s to play with, and a few people have offered to do it for my budget, im not looking for fancy flash stuff, just a simple site i can post news on like and
i think you all took the word "professional" too seriously :p i did say "well not professional" at the start of the thread

when the sites done ill be sure to ressurect this thread so you can see what i got for my money :)
Boz its a little different to your every day clan, its an organisation with 3 of the the UKs best teams (and in or near the top 10 in europe at each game), and we're looking to get some nice sponsors (which you dont get without a nice site)
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