Any Raven Shield Players? Help Needed!

27 Aug 2004
Hi guys, just installed RVS again tonight and when i go online im 'floating' everywhere even though im pinging in fine. Its really making the game unplayable and annoying. Is there any commands i need to type into the console other than netspeed to make the game less laggy?

none that i know of, but have you checked the multiplayer options?
ps i am the king at rvs, used to eb the bets baby, (really)
Same, was in the top 50 when the ranks thing worked :D That was a few yaers ago.

Checked the MP options and its set exactly how i used to set it, using T3 as the conn type.
RvS was always a bit laggy on the net due to it's coding. I think you'll find its not always played on the best of servers nowadays either. You could try turning your graphics and sound options down a bit but it's the game really.
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