Any recommendations on the good RPG?

9 Dec 2006
looking for a new RPG to play

that is not
Elder Scrolls
Assassins Creed
Divinity Original Sins 1/2

Witcher 3- my Best game ive ever played
Fallout - dont like the Vats system at all
Elder scrolls - Hate the Camera
Assassins Creed - enjoyed them, not a fan of Origins (seems silly having pakour with such a big guy and shield & hate the real world bull...

Divinity Original Sins 1/2 - played a bit of these, not a fan of it the way it plays. (can see why people love it though)

any thoughts?
Dark Souls 3
Grim Dawn
Okami HD
Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
Darksiders 1/2
try having a look at some of these, some old some new :
Deus Ex
Fairt Fencer F Advent Dark Force
Final Fantasy 7
Neverwinters night
Star wars knight of the old republic
stardew valley
Sword Art Online
sword of the stars: the pit
Tales of Berseria
the legend of heros
titan Quest
Two worlds
Valkyria Chronicles

i guess it kind of depends what type of RPG your looking for.
They have rpg elements in the way you progress your character, but they are hardly rpg's.

RPG's are a broad genre...The Souls games definitely qualify since they tell a story through world building and description rather than implicit cut scene narration. You could argue Skyrim isn't an RPG if you wander around for 100 hours missing major plot points.
They have rpg elements in the way you progress your character, but they are hardly rpg's. The stories are so opaque you can easily wander from boss to boss without having a clue what is actually going on.

I count them as RPG's personally, but I get your point. It has the levelling up, items and equipment management etc, all key aspects. And actual interesting world's, more so than many of the main line rpgs, for me ( bias series fan of course ;) )
Diablo III is quite cheap these days.

Spellforce III - RPG/RTS getting very good reviews

X-Com 2 as a long shot ?

Grim Dawn
- Worth every penny !!

They might not all be classic RPG's but they have elements and are all strong worth your dosh games.
KOTOR 1 & 2 are still up there as some of the best ever.

The original Dragon Age. The other 2 are a bit meh.

System Shock 2 is the original FPS/RPG and tbh still did it best. With the best setting.
wasteland 2 - not sure not huge fan of party systems
Pillars of Eternity - seems like Divinity sins (is the quest log better?)
Dark Souls - I hated 1. so probably 2/3 are out too?
undertale - i played it for 20 odd minutes to get the same fight repeated 20+ times bored refunded.
Darsiders - completed
Vermintide - MP only? - not interested
.hack/sign - not for me
Bastion - didnt like it.
bioshock - loved all 3 completed
Deus Ex - hated the floaty cameras

Fable which version theirs loads on steam :o

Fairt Fencer F Advent Dark Force - not sure...
Final Fantasy 7 - Never been a fan of FF

Neverwinters night - played it a while ago got bored pretty quick
Pokemon - which platform?

southpark - played the first didn't think much of it. combat was just little to easy

Star wars knight of the old republic - dont like star wars or space stuff

stardew valley - interested in as so many people recommend it...
Sword Art Online - want single player

sword of the stars: the pit - not sure
Tales of Berseria - not sure...

the legend of heros - not sure
titan Quest - no thanks been their :)

Torchlight - like it it but wouldnt want to go back
Two worlds - bad reviews?

Valkyria Chronicles - definitely on my radar
Dragon Age Origin - finished
Diablo III - finished
X-Com - didnt like the "Sim Building" fighting was fun though
GRim Dawn - seems bit close to Diablo?

Mass Effect as i don't like space will i like this? (not a fan of lasters pew pew im dead etc) no realism their.

ON my list:
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - put on my list
Valkyria Chronicles on my list
Spellforce III - intruiged!

Any other thoughts?
Pillars is similar to Divinity in that there's no real hand holding with quests it gives hints and you have to work out where to go yourself.
If you like open world action RPGs, try ELEX. It's from the makers of Gothic and Risen. It's rough around the edges, but it certainly has it's merits!

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I second Spellforce 3, just completed my runthrough and its a very good game.

In regards to fallout, I would try number 4 if VATS is the only thing holding you back. With 4 they vastly improved gunplay in that considerably to the extent you can largely ignore VATS and I know plenty of people who do. Infact they toned it down compared to prior games to an extent in terms of perk's and it now only slow's down time rather then stop it alltogether like in FO3.
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