Any religious people watch the Wonders of Life last night?

13 Nov 2006
Just interested what you think about the scientists theory that all life came from the same place and how it doesn't really make us special; just a stage in evolution.

As you go from species to species, apparantly our DNA code is 60% that of a chicken, up to 99% of a chimp.

BTW I'm athiest but I am jealous of religious folk and their beliefs of happy endings. I'm not being patronising, I genuinely am.
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Religion can be a nice guide and we should still learn from it's teachings of what is right and wrong.

For religion to keep up with science we have things like Progressive Christianity which adapts to what we now know. How reliable can religion be if you have to adapt and change it. I like this slogan. "Members of the Progressive Christianity Network seek a credible and inclusive way to follow Jesus. We are unafraid to question traditional church teaching".

I liked what Richard Dawkins said speaking to someone of faith, something along the lines of "It is only by chance that you were brought up in the U.S, what if you were brought up in ancient Greece? your god would then be Zeus.".
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So would you atheists say it takes more faith to believe that all these building blocks come together to create life than believing in a creator?

How can you have legitimacy in a book that has already been scrutinized and debunked. The 6000 year old Earth, if this is wrong how can you fully believe the rest of the book to be truthful and not have doubts about the rest of it?

This is what I find hard to understand.
Atheists just tell you the universe magically appeared from literally nothing. You can't argue with them. It's a futile undertaking.

If someone comes up with a better idea, I'd be willing to learn and change my views if it makes sense or some irrefutable evidence is presented. Most faith believers are unwilling to progress, learn and change their views.
That's a good question. If we all just die and rot the what's the point learning anything? We're gonna forget it all anyway. The human race will die out and it shall be like we never even existed. Doesn't sound great.

This is another story altogether and one that I certainly struggle with. That's how I say in my first post that believing in religion/afterlife/heaven etc is very comforting indeed and gives you a purpose at least. Unfortunately I've come to the sad realisation that we are a bunch of atoms/chemical processes just coasting through the primary objective that is reproduction :)

Oh yes it's very bleak.
I cannot believe Jason2 is trolling, it would be quite a lot of effort and what would be the point.

Maybe he's getting so defensive because he's slowly becoming atheist himself :)
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