Any remakes of tv shows better than original?

18 Jul 2021
Land of Gin (I wish)
I can’t think of any. The few remakes I have seen have been rubbish. Even my friend’s son, aged three prefers Fireman Sam and Bob the Builder in claymation than the CGI.

Much prefer the Cosgrove Hall 1981 version of Dangermouse with David Jason and Terry Scott for voicing DM and Penfold.
Not sure if they count as remakes, but I wanted to smash my telly up when watching the Porridge and Open all hours remakes.
While the original Office is going to be indelibly associated with my time at uni with obsessed housemates incessantly doing David Brent impersonations....the US version was a better series imo.
Well there have been other Sherlock Holmes tv shows so it could be argued. Obviously they all source from the books but it's still not the first tv show.
The best tv series of Holmes was Jeremy Brett’s, but I think the two are incomparable as they are so radically different.
Well it's not out yet. Unless you're talking about the film? So it's not a remake of a tv show. It's also not a remake, the film was 'written' by Joss (ruined by others) and is kind of canon.
Doesn't count then.

The movie's so different, it's hard to think of it as canon.
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