Any Rust Server owners/admins?

7 Jan 2009
Just rented a rust server,All is beautiful set up and running,

I've installed Oxide addon and installed the following plugins successfully -

  • PlayerAdministration
  • Backpacks
Now heres where im having an issue,I've gone into the file manager on my servers config section and it shows these addons and they are configurable but i dont know how to add me as the Admin!

For the Player Administration addon this is what i can see in the config file -
"Use Permission System": true,
"Discord Webhook url for ban messages": "",
"Discord Webhook url for kick messages": ""

As for the backpacks addon,It doesn't seem to be working/active from what i can see nothings changed when your actually on the server,No backpack on player or extra inventory etc?

appreciate any help :)

Think their website is down temp as second page isn't loading for me rn.

Hi, I've got a rust modded server. For backpacks for all users you need to enter this in console

To add yourself as admin you need to do

Ownerid (steamidnumber)

Oxide.grant group default backpacks.use

To give admins /padmin access you need to enter

Oxide.grant group admin (plugin name)

Personally we use a paid plugin called admin menu it's about 15 dollars

Right ive gone into the console,added myself as admin said my user was already an admin lol,backpack is now working as far as i can tell (have 7 slot to the left of my char) it granted permission in the console for "backpack use"

However things are still not right,if i type /padmin in the chat box (in game) it says "you do not have the required permission to use this command!

appreciate any help :)
Oxide.grant group admin playeradministration.protect

Says "Permission 'playeradministration.protect' doesn't exist

Lol,Also my server only shows under modded servers,yet theres people running modded servers with oxide installed and showing under community servers?
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