Any Snap-on tool box experts on here

5 Aug 2013
I have inherited my brothers Snap-on three drawer tool box- The bottom drawer is quite stifff to pull in and out so thought take it out and clean runners/slide.
Done a lot of googling -watched Youtube and I am now almost sure that to get them out you flip that little black catch out then pull. If that is correct has anyone done it without the correct Snap-on tool.
Youtube says use hacksaw blade- Allen key or thin bit of metal. I assume you push the tool under that black catch from front and tool pushes it out flush with the slider.

It’s the other slider you need to release, that rail should stay on the drawer.
The one that’s on the inside of the box.
Mine is a Mac box, but I'm sure my Snap on at home is the same..


Should be a clip/lever similar to release the drawer.

Edit, scrap the above, I looked a bit closer at your pic and saw the runner is actually part of the drawer (must quite an old one as most now are on ball bearing runners), so you were right in saying that the black metal spring clip needs popping out, and yes a fairly thick hacksaw blade or similar will do.
I'll get my coat.
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Sorry not got a wider view pic and at moment car is in garage.

If I remember right my brother started buying Snap-on in mid 80's -I have loads of AF/Whit Snap-on spanners that are no good to me so if you know anyone that wants some let me know -He didn't collect many metric spanners/socket.
He did have some of the biggest ring spanners I have ever seen.

Thanks for the info.
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on mine it is as your picture and yes i have to flick the bar in the circular cut out outwards while pulling. same on other side.
some of my draws are stiff but it down to me overloading them when newer, they are all around 30 years old:)
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Had a go with two hacksaw blades -Have to say it worked a treat - Also surprised what condition it in considering it's mid 80's and lived in sheds.

Draw's out






Bottom draw is much smoother but still has the feeling something is in the way
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