Any suggestions for a Headphone Digital Amp?

13 Jan 2003
I'm looking for a headphones amp - but with a twist.

The type of amp I'm looking for is a PWM-DAC based device, essentially connecting the power to the headphones and modulating the power digitally for amplification straight from the codec - without having a discrete DAC outputting analogue to a opamp to amplify the analogue.

High resolution, USB3 or ThunderBolt2/3 for use on a Mac mini 2019. Headphones are AKG 240MkII which are 55ohm impedance.

TacT Millennium was an example main amp of this almost 20 years ago, Texas Instruments have made mass market devices that do this.. so in theory it should be possible to find a headphone amp with this.

Seems there's a guy that produces something like this in China, called E1DA and sells a both a balanced only headphone (PowerDACv2) and an normal unbalanced version called 9038D. The guy used to make audio systems for one of the large manufacturers - Kenwood IIRC reading). The thing uses a Ti PWM TAS5558 chip that supports USB in to headphone out with the PWM on the actual chip for about $70.

Hmm annoyingly it's only sold via Ali as he had too much 'bureaucracy' from Amazon (perhaps their due-dilligence?).
Hmm got a response “sorry not released yet”.

also reading on the inter webs I see a post that the first batch uses Real Texas Instruments tsa5888 chips and the next batch is using tsa5888 Chinese “fake chips” (his words) that didn’t work hence a delay.
Not sure I want fake chips.. and unknown supply chain usb chips connected to my computer (security risk).

looking at building something similar - you’d need a usb-i2s audio bridge chip and the tas5558 chip. Now given a desire to hit 24bit 192khz then this narrows usb bridge chips down to about two players - xmos and cmedia cm6610A. It use cmedia the higher rates need the their driver.. which has a codec specifically for their cm9822a dac.. so it’s likely that a xmos bridge chop is the only one.

So it starts getting complicated (doable) - it’s possible to run a RPi as a bridge chip and then use it to stream to i2c using an open source codec driver. The source machine then only sees a usb high speed audio class device (the RPi).
Not sure an audino would be fast enough. An alternative is to use a odroid.. but that’s so over powered you should run doom on it in a Ubuntu desktop window at the same time!

hmmm and to get the stuff talking a oscilloscope is probably needed for fault tracing..
Ok, think I have this sorted. DIY.

Mac -usb (audio class)—> xmos -i2s-> decoupler -> xlinx FGPA-> filter -> headphone.

The FGPA does two things - FIFO buffering to allow reclocking de jitters and pwm from the i2s stream to convert the digital sound into analogue to drive the headphones. No traditional DAC or amp is used.

Several enhancements such as low jitter clock and very low noise PSU. A CPLD could be added to provide a faster de-jitter.
The lack of a good and DIY friendly USB to I2S bridge chip has been annoying me for awhile - it is relatively easy to build something around the PCM2900 series, etc. but you are limited to 48KHz/16Bit.

There are 1-2 good ones but only available commercially with like 5000 unit minimum order :( the other option is the CP2114 but QFN is a pain to work with unless properly setup for it and needs some software development experience.

EDIT: IIRC PCM2706 can be used as a bridge to get above 48KHz/16bit but again has limitations and won't do 192KHz, etc.

have a look at - their fit interfaces have a number of USB to i2s interfaces - rope for integrating into a dac.
Now looking at the output - looks like two things needed; short circuit protection using a schott diode and using an op amp for a low pass filter (to remove all the high frequency harmonics from pwm square waves).

the benefit of using the xmos is that the system already has everything, including software to act as a usb audio class two - OS X doesn’t need drivers, the xmos is already programmed for i2s (I want to modify this slightly).

The FPGA has examples of a simple sigma delta dac (which is single bit dac) which will be phase 1... later I can make it more complex. have a breadboard breakout board. Also a cold breakout board.

Later I may even look at going multi-bit theb I can tune the square wave filter on each of the pins used for the bits. The issue is that it starts using all the i/o pins on the fpga. So either use a second fpga or change the design for a cpld on each channel to perform the multi bit conversion.

the idea is to use high speed pwm to shift the noise generated from producing pwm well above the 20-20khz range. Switching in the MHz range means using a low pass filter chips off the noise.

To keep the nose from the usb out - a decoupler (not decided if galvanic or opto) will be used on the i2s signal from the xmos to the fpga. This allows the power supply to be added with low noise for the rest of the system.

jitter and accurate clocking becomes the big thing with digital i2s. Having one high precision clock drive everything is the best. An alternative is have the fpga/dac clock to be the master clock and use that to drive everything (including the usb-i2s bridge).
Components can add jitter (Shift in time of the rise and fall of the digital signal). A usb-i2s bridge can provide a accurate byte i2s output the signal of the bits of the byte can shift around in time - that the can then misinterpret - having multiple clocks that aren’t in sync can also cause this - so de jitter by attempting to correct this helps.

The FGPA board I want to use has some DDR ram attached - this allows the option later if required to allow the incoming i2s bytes to be FIFO buffered allowing the xmos to have it’s own clock, to run any dejitter if needed in the i2s input and then to have the dac on the master clock pull data from the FIFO at the other end. by allowing the i2s stream a head start of 1/10th second the FIFO helps ensure a steady clock synced into into the digital modulation process.
If the fifo read empties then two options we output zeros.. so the pwm doesn’t output DC voltage.

you could put a dac (audiophonics have a number of dacs on breakout boards) straight on the end of the xmos i2s stream - project done (perhaps add a headphone amp dac board).
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A high precision clock, using a schematic with a AD9516 reaches 1pps at 1Ghz. The schematic is from CERN so good timing is needed!

this can be used as an external clock for the fpga, cplds and possibly the xmos.
The nice thing is each of these components so I can use a switched mode PSU just to get going with DC then upgrade (switched mode gives a massive noise headache):

Power (230v)
Using a IEC fused and EMI filtering socket, feeding a torriodal transformer to convert the 230v into 15-20v AC. This can be put in a shielding box for additional shielding.

Power (15-20V ac to 15-20V DC)
Ac to dc component using diode rectifier bridge with high quality caps to limit ripple along with some small chokes to reject more ac noise. One of these should be able to drive the entire system but it can be doubled up with a double secondary torriodal.

Regulated power supplies (10-20V DC to 5V & 3.3V)
two separate power supply components - one for 5V & one for 3.3V - based on paralleled Analogue Devices LT3045 (max 500mA each) which could be mounted on the case to act as a heatsink.
This means I can size up the PSUs as needed and the PSU output gives exceptionally low ripple and noise.
in theory each component could even have it’s own regulated power supply.. my CD player has 9 power supplies in it

Noise - the output from the regulated power supplies will ultimately be what drives the headphones as the system doesn’t have an amp - just direct modulation.
If more current is required to drive the headphones, several options are available:
* parallel fpga output pin per channel
* parallel cpld output per channel
* last but not least as Sallen-key butterworth output stage with TL074 to switch a larger power output in digital pwm.
Naturally parallelising things means they need to be either interlocked or just masterclocked and simply accept any minor deviation (which is a form of jitter).

my concern is I have 55ohm headphones that need a decent voltage swing to overcome back emf - think of the headphone speaker as a stepper motor.
A final enhancement may be a 2V 600ohm RCA line out for a normal amp.

Using a AD 9415 gives a programmable master clock for all the components. This would probably be 100Mhz.
it means the usb-i2s, fpga and cplds (I’ll introduce these later) can all be driven off the same single clock.

Jitter - the xmos usb-i2s has a FIFO buffer for minimising jitter caused by the USB transfer. An extension of this is running a FIFO in the fgpa but this may not be required (the breakout board has DDR ram that can be used).
the fact that everything is off the same fast master clock helps minimise jitter end to end.

Power Modulation
The system works by switching power (3.3v) on and off very fast (millions of times a second) the result is - variable voltage level that moves the headphone speakers (or line out). Because the rapid switching the output is a still a square wave and that normally causes noise and harmonics. Switching so fast means the noise is further up the frequency spectrum - well beyond the 20KHz max of your hearing. So we use a low pass filter to block any noise above 20KHz.

The usb-i2s outputs pcm as i2s so DSD is delivered as PCM - essentially the voltage level requires for period of the sound as a number - this is where the “24bit” comes in, it means the voltage of 3.3v can be of any 16,777,216 levels (or think of it as 0.000000196695328 volt increments!).
It sends these numbers at a rate of 192KHz or 192,000 times a second for each channel (left ear and right ear).
The xmos chip has a programming that understands PCM and DSD over PCM. Although the xmos outputs the required bit rate on it’s gpio pins, I can then use that output on the input of the fpga to change the bit rate. There’s some “research” needed in how that would impact the audio if switched mid streaming.. but I assume one streaming starts that it won’t change - the fpga can be made to cope with any rate/bit depth on the fly.

So we use a field programmable array (fpga) to read the PCM number and create the switching required to modulate the power to match the required voltage level for left and right channels.
And it does that at 192,000 times a second and switches the power on and off to the output pin linked to the headphones millions of times a second! Busy busy!

A field programmable gate array is a but like a CPU except it does everything in parallel rather than serially following steps of a program. They can be programmed like a CPU todo different things.
The fpga program does the “DAC” digital to audio conversion - so I can start with a 1bit sigma delta dac, change the programme and get a 2nd or 3rd order sigma delta dac, reprogram to a multi-bit sigma delta and finally reprogram to a multi-bit dac when making hardware changes.

an enhanced form is to add cplds (think a really fast but much dumber fpga) with a programm that takes the task of switching the power on and off quickly - this allows multiple cplds per channel to allow more electrical current.

finally a further option is adding TL074s and coding the Modulation of the cplds to allow a larger voltage (20V?) DC regulated power supply to be switched exceptionally fast. The same technique is used by chopper servo controllers - I use a 3.3v 650mA max stepper motor with a current chopper controller that switches a 12V 1A power supply quickly to vary the power to both servo coils for each 2 degree step of rotation. The 12V overcomes the electro emotive field that the motor cool creates that prevents the change (speed up or slow down) and the current chopping modulation prevents cooking the motor.
We’d be switching even faster than the chopper but not current chopping. However I’m still researching this option. Almost making the Modulators in parallel or the same as an H bridge (d class amp without the Analogue to digital conversion of the input audio step).

The output for each ear then goes through the low pass filter and to the headphone or line out.

Volume control could be done either as a digital rescaling or changing the power voltage.. not decided which but leaning to the digital.

it’s important to say - there is no separate dac making a very small analogue signal and preamps and power amplifiers making the audio louder step in analogue.

The quality of sound is important here - the digital only approach means a very clean (and stark) quality of sound. Naturally you can use dsp within the computer or fpga to alter the sound.
People say it can sound a little thin - given they’re listening to a 1-bit sigma dac or a multi-bit then what they are often hearing is the analogue amp and the relationship to the speakers. A lot of low quality amps have bass, “fat” bass, caused by the amp’s inability to control the larger cones and coils, or harmonics creating warmth etc. A good amp (analogue or digital) can rattle the windows with low frequency but still render the sound of humming bird wing beats, and the sound of bird song. That clarity is what I’m after :)

The fpga etc can be reprogrammed, component modules can be added as I go along with incremental benefit.
the base starting point with be a usb-i2s and a fpga with some additional components for filters etc. The psus will be plug in the wall type switched mode. Allowing the idea to be tested and working for about £100-150 with little need for oscilloscope.
Seriously tempted to get a dilgent 2ch 200mhz digital oscilloscope i can then test each change and objectively measure the change and track down issues. One channel input and one output, fast enough FFT etc. I may eBay a couple of things..
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Just researching few things;

* low pass filters - using an active high order would help make the cut off more accutate with the passive to trim the high frequencies that the active starts failing to remove (ie above 1mhz).

* dc amp output protection for the headphone - DC current will melt your headphone coils, and if there’s a problem with the modulation I don’t want dc output!

* short circuit protection - to protect the amp fpga from headphone short circuits.

* soft start (to reduce inrush current) and controlled shutdown - disconnecting the headphones of the power is switched off.

* volume and mute - although this can be done via the computer, I’ll put a rotary encoder and mute button that work on the digital modulation.

tempted to add a small lcd/led display - to display current encoding, volume/mute and report issues if needed. The only issue is they are noisy..

also have confirmation on the PSU so 6xTL3045 are needed..
I have a minimum configuration as a breadboard POC -£156-180.

Xmos, fgpa as a single bit dac with an active low pass filter.

the filters are tuned for pwm (tl074) has a high slew rate - if you use a DAC chip instead of a fpga then a different op amp will be better.
Also the filters will have a couple of safety measures causing the headphones to be disconnected automatically:
* DC detection - detecting if the amp is attempting to output pure DC to your headphones.
* Headphone short circuit, protecting the amp from connecting/disconnecting the headphones whilst in use. Pulling a plug out momentarily shorts the connections.

the components can be reused as I add additional components so it’s not all throw away.

Enhancements.. this is “maxing out” so cheaper alternatives are possible.

Decoupling noisy usb
A decoupler for noise can power can be used to prevent 5v USB noise getting into the main system £20 as a prebuilt NVE IL715 based component - this is fast enough to cope with high end i2s streams.

Going full 24bit DAC pwm
With two CLPDs I can do true “multi-bit” 24 bit DAC for each channel using a resistor ladder - if I use ultra stable components each channe will be $12 for the cpld plus ~£25 for the 1% resistors (24) plus cap.
The fpga is just reprogrammed and the new connections made - the output goes to each of the existing active low pass filters.
the system can then use pwm duty cycles with 24 voltage sizes to output a precise voltage.

lowering noise through better power
The biggest upgrade will be the PSUs. It’s probably the most expensive bit.. and it can be done in steps..

1) add a 2.5A 3.3V ultra low noise DC-DC regulated power supply €189. It will power the fpga and active low pass filters. This is the power source to your ears..

2) a 5V version £189 if you want 5V low pass amplification (the filters can do this but they are run as zero gain to maintain flatness for filtration). Or simply run a simple cheaper 5v supply if it’s not only connected to the xmos (but keep away from the 3.3v ground!)

3) torriodal transformer, ac filtering ac-dc rectification €150 (incl transformer shield) this would have a soft starter and controlled shutdown - disconnecting the headphones during start up and shut down.

Adding a case
An alu 320x380x90mm case to hold everything €80. A sub divide separates the mains and PSUs from the other parts of the system.

Improving jitter and timing
Adding a Analogue Devices 9516 and modifying to be a single master clock for the fgpa, cplds, xmos etc, well the dev board is €199 so I suspect a breakout board would be €60-90 given the performance. However by this stage it may be better to design a complete 4+ layer PCB for the entire thing.

Adding more interactive
adding a screen, volume/wheel, mute, menu & select button.. so you can set up the settings.. rather than using the PC.
the volume scales the modulation directly and you could add dsp curves. Or touch screen ...
the issue here is noise.. adding an audino and tft screen would be like setting off the noise fireworks.

adding a line out
This one is relatively simple - just redirecting the headphone out to RCAs but some adjustment would be required driving only 2V into 600ohms. £10-30 probably.

Ahh the joys...

ignoring the screen etc, fully tricked out looking at £960. However 490 of that for the 3.3,5, mains PSU can be reduced heavily (the regulators are £5 each for example, you have 12 of them.. a diy board would be cheaper.

So I think a £200 on a breadboard version would be better initially then upgrade over time.

sort of project that demands £350 on a 200MHz scope..
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The lack of a good and DIY friendly USB to I2S bridge chip has been annoying me for awhile - it is relatively easy to build something around the PCM2900 series, etc. but you are limited to 48KHz/16Bit.

There are 1-2 good ones but only available commercially with like 5000 unit minimum order :( the other option is the CP2114 but QFN is a pain to work with unless properly setup for it and needs some software development experience.

EDIT: IIRC PCM2706 can be used as a bridge to get above 48KHz/16bit but again has limitations and won't do 192KHz, etc.

On OSX, it will handle conversions from a lot of formats into a Linear PCM format.

The xmos dev board has a cirus logic dac with a codec but unless you want write code to perform codec transcoding, I will leave it to the CoreAudio and Apple USB Audio to give me a Linear PCM stream :) it even does the transcoding of a-law and other sigma-delta encodings :)

the same with Linux - the os will have todo the donkey work.

the xmos will cope with PCM at 192k/24bit - the system will not even blink for DSD256 bandwidth if I put a DSD decoder in it (although it will be DSD over PCM :)).

So I will take the linear PCM and convert to either;

full pwm using a single “1bit dac” (all pwm) or a full on 24bit R2R resistor ladder. I understand the differences now and how an r2r can do a full duty cycle using the resistors leaving duty cycling to fine tune or for volume scaling :)

with the r2r you may not even need the fpga to split the signal for the two cpld, instead they cplds can simply be a slave to the xmos i2s bus but what happens when they get out of sync..
Fpga makes it a better controllable system.

also just looking at the iOS - if you use a camera adaptor the iOS device can charge and the audio will stream over usb. :D
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Found a better one.

€299+vat (€379)

Single board that has fgpa, Low noise power supply (takes AC or DC) and 1ps clocking, FIFO, 8x oversampling 24bit 384KHz support, volume support with 0.1% tolerance resistors 28bit R2R. The extra resistors give headroom.
Drives 300ohm loads so I may need to either buy new headphones or make a output stage.

All that needs adding is a usb-i2s bridge, a AC IEC fused EMI filter mains socket (£10), a small torroidal transformer (5W) and a case.. Perhaps a volume control and a soft start to make things plush.

The audio review geeks have measured FFT sweep and it has decent handling of the harmonics.

Plus it means I don’t have to spend on a oscilloscope..

sometimes it takes designing something to understand the basics..

I traced through the picture of the PCF - it has drivers for balanced output but also has unbalanced output jumper pins directly off the resistor ladder capacitor. I assume that’s the unbalanced point so I suspect there’s no low pass filter - so it’s even more impressive. I’ve pinged a few questions - this was one.

edit - I wonder if he’s missing a trick.

It looks like he uses a fpga to simply instruct shift register chips to decode and select the corresponding resistances - the output is then summed in capacitor. This is the full duty cycle I was talking about earlier. However digital switch on and off for the pcm sample time results in a set of frequencies and odd order harmonics.
I don’t think the system switches on/off within the pcm sample period, the result would be a higher frequency square wave that would be higher up the frequency chart - these could then be removed.

If you had a kHz frequency and switched only at that frequency, the odd order harmonics start at 3, 5, 7 kHz.
If the pwm was switched on and off 4 times with a higher voltage (25% duty rate) then the frequency would be 4x faster, so switch 20,000 times for each PCM sample period then I wonder if the harmonics move out of the 20-20KHz range and can be filtered.

I may ask on a couple of the diy audio forums.
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So it looks like I will break out Jupyter Notebook with Octave to model the filters mathematically.

This will allow me to build the digital interpolation and filters (sinc etx) then model ideas.
Am I right in thinking DC output (offset) is potentially much more likely to fry your headphones with this kind of amp than your typical op amp jobbie?

DC is very bad for small headphone coils. There's a couple of ways to protect against this - DC blocking filter and short filter as part of the output filtering if you don't trust the DAC fpga programming or use a digital filter implemented in the fgpa as part of the noise filtering to remove non-sine wave components. This means that the sound streamed from the computer is cleaned before it gets to the produce any bad output. In normal operation the DC voltage is pulsed at a very high rate, in this case 3MHz (0.0033ms pulse length) vs an LME audio opamp at 20V/us with a bandwidth of 57MHz. It's slower but the current is ~100mA max and probably less under normal circumstances.

There is another scenario often voltage offsets are used to assist in reducing noise through processing - this offset is then removed as part of the standard hardware design before it leaves the DAC.

After researching this more - there's an added complication that the circuit board needs to start being designed as a high speed digital/analogue frequency circuit - the power switching square wave needs bypass caps to reduce the ringing and keep a better signal, tracks need to be the same length for timing etc etc. So I think I've researched this enough to know that there will be an additional cost of failures too.
Going down the DAC board route would allow me to focus on building it to a point that works and perhaps play a little in developing an open source firmware for it perhaps.

The guy has released a new version of the board (including usb xmox, spdif etc so you save a little on not needing those). It's also a sign magnatude implementation - so where as the original €299 board had four ladders (two per channel) into single ended output for each channel (ie a shared common ground) like your normal RCA and normal unbalanced headphones. The new model has 8 ladders and balanced output with the xmox built in but costs €550+VAT.. the result is even better noise control - we're getting -120dB and lower here measured on Audio Science Review.. so before you'd hear any noise you'd be deaf (think plane engine or shotgun blast close range). With a good £120 for a usb-i2s, a i2s decoupler to stop noise, etc the €687 including the vat works out as £585.. so when you remove 120 that's 460.. so about £80 more than the original version (with the additional boards required).

I also found a headphone amp that drives 30-300ohm for both unbalanced and balanced headphones (and RCA/balanced input) with 0.00003% THD and <130dB noise. The same guy produced an amp that came second in the ASR headphone amp ratings this is the next version.

So the plan now is for starters;

* Solkris dam1941 £460 board (fully built and tested)
* Solkris line buffer board bare PCB €30 (you also get a PCB for a power supply and a PCB for a control board - although these won't get built) but not build it immediately
* Neurochome HP2 headphone amp bare PCB $99 and build this and link using the balanced connection to the DAC (the DAC is 650R impedance and the HP2 very high impedance input)
* Audiophonics Aluminium case ~€80 that has enough space inside for everything including PSU with a linear transformer but not stupidly large (luggable rather than portable - for holiday trips etc)

The PSU I'm still chewing - I think it will be a AC + regulator - but I think it may be a simple PSU initially then worry about improving later. The case has enough space for the PSU and enhancements.

Initially the control of volume etc can be done via either the Mac mini, the dac itself or the headphone amp. There's nothing to select initially.

* Add a Raspberry PI with captive touch screen to the front of the unit. Then the DAC itself would have ability to stream from internal storage (it could even play movies) without the Mac mini. The main thing here is shielding and putting a hole in the front nicely.
* build line out board and it can provide a line out as a music streamer when the large amp and speakers get used for parties in the garden.
* PSU regulators etc if needed.

I did see someone build something similar with the 299 board - and built a headphone valve amp in the case with the valves poking out the top!

dam1941: here[/here]
Case: here
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The lack of a good and DIY friendly USB to I2S bridge chip has been annoying me for awhile - it is relatively easy to build something around the PCM2900 series, etc. but you are limited to 48KHz/16Bit.

There are 1-2 good ones but only available commercially with like 5000 unit minimum order :( the other option is the CP2114 but QFN is a pain to work with unless properly setup for it and needs some software development experience.

EDIT: IIRC PCM2706 can be used as a bridge to get above 48KHz/16bit but again has limitations and won't do 192KHz, etc.

btw have you looked at this?
Aware of the issues with it - I've built over a dozen different opamp based headphone amplifiers - but this looks like it has a lot more potential if things go wrong DC wise to fry headphones.

Hehe - I find it difficult to gauge what people's level of understanding is and default to explaining it, so sorry if it came over patronising.
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