Any tips on cooking a pork joint

17 Jun 2012
It's not rocket science I know. But i usually add a certain amount of water and add plenty of veg. This gives the meat a good succulent texture/taste but ruins the top fat part.

How do you do it?
Depends on the joint really. If, by the top fat part, you mean the crackling then water will ruin it. Three things are necessary to get perfect crackling:
1. Score the rind well
2. Rub LOADS of salt over the skin and especially into the lines you've just spent ages scoring
3. Put it on a high heat for the first 35 minutes of cooking, at least 230 C.

A good pork joint shouldn't dry out providing there's a good layer of fat between the skin and the meat. The fat will render down and baste the joint for you. Just make sure you weigh it properly, and cook for the recommended time and no more. This should be 1hr and 15 mins per kilo (or 35 mins per lb in old money), plus 35 minutes extra at 180 C.

Even a pork loin, which usually has no crackling, benefits from a quick blast of heat to start as it gets the fat melting and also caramelises the little that remains on top.

When it's done, let it rest for at least 15-20 mins so the juices run back into the meat. This gives you time to pour the dripping into a ramekin, chill, and put it in the fridge ready for toast or sandwiches in the coming weeks.

Water will probably also prevent the veg from roasting properly. That's fine if you want to mash them up as part of the gravy though.
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