Any UNIX SA's?

27 Aug 2004
Singapore ExPat
Always wondered if there are any sysadmins in here, I know there are a lot of people that tinker around with desktops and making peripherals work etc but is there anyone that does it for a living or uses anything on an Enterprise basis/bleeding edge stuff?
Yes sorry, bad choice of phrase, I guess I meant in the H/W space for the latest stuff. We are running a mix of RHEL 3, 4 and 5 across about 10k+ boxes, a small amount running the MRG kernel and then another few thousand Sol 8 and 10, would be interesting to discuss the kind of challenges we face in a forum like this if there are people in similar situations/environments.
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I transferred to unix after doing some windows for a while, technical concepts are the same, its just much easier to fix things (and break them) with *nix. I got sent on some courses, Solaris Admin, VxVM, VCS, read a lot and learned all I could.
I've never seen Debian in the banking world, only RHEL and SLES so yes, go with CentOS.

...and yes, learn vi, some simple shell scripting (for loops, if statements etc.) and how to manage the network. None of this should be done via any sort of GUI...
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