Any way to check if a bike is stolen?

24 Jul 2004
Riding along the Fosse way I stopped to help out a young guy who was pushing his bike. It was a red Sachs XTC, 2007 - L plate. I thought he'd run out of fuel so was going to offer him a lift to the nearest petrol station.

Turns out the bike just wasn't starting for whatever reason - he spoke very broken English (eastern european), not a lot I could have done. First thing that came to my mind was to give him a lift home or to the nearest garage, but then suddenly I didn't want to...

Upon closer inspection the bike was missing it's front brake lever, the back brake lever was severely bent, the downpipe had a hole in it from I don't know what, and he had a massive fuel leak, the bike stunk. He also said something about a electrical cable that was sticking outside the bike which was just about to snap, but I didn't understand him. The bike looked like it had been stolen 3 times, and dropped 5 times.

He may be legit, and it might just be a very used bike. But he seemed off. When I asked him how far he had to go, he said he lived just "down there" and that he hadn't got far to go. But the road he pointed down only has country roads which are miles from any sort of house/garage. We parted ways and he carried on pushing the bike.

Are there any websites I can run a free HPI check on? I have his reg/face on camera.

He's a new biker (got the bike 3 weeks ago) so it all could be legit and the last thing I want to do is report it to anyone without knowing if it's definitely stolen. But on the other hand, it could be someone's pride and joy that they'd do anything to get back.

Why not just call the non emergency number and give them the details as you thought something was a bit off, if it's not nicked nothing more will be done if it is then you've done your good deed.
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