Any way to use Raspberry Pi to wake server for scheduled recordings?

27 Jul 2009
Not sure if what I am after is even possible but I though I would just check.

I am running TVHeadend on an x86-based server. I have to keep the server on 24/7 because I am yet to find a way of having the server enter sleep mode but then resume for scheduled recordings. If I could get sleep mode to work properly, I could save a lot of electricity as it would be off for more than 50% of the time.

Is there any way I could use a lower power device (like a raspberry Pi) that I could leave on 24/7 and have that wake the server by WOL?

I don't want to install TVH on a Pi itself as it would be too slow.

Ideally, what I would want would be a way of converting scheduled recordings on the server to a cron job that could be passed to the Pi. The Pi could then wake the server (if it is not already awake) to record an upcoming program.

Is this remotely feasible?
Sorry - should have clarified that my server is Linux-based.

Having made the jump from Windows to Linux a few months ago, the one thing I really miss is the power management - in Windows, a few click's and everything worked perfectly (on my Windows server, I had it go to sleep after 15 minutes of inactivity and to wake up for scheduled timers).

There does not seem to be an (easy) equivalent of this on Linux. I was hoping that somehow another device might help.
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