Any words before i give newera the go ahead?

18 Oct 2002
Right, I've decided I want a Celica GT4. I've been talking to newera imports (and read up on them, seem to be a good company and their local office is down the road from me!)

I've given them my budget, checked insurance and checked finances and am about to give them the £1000 deposit to go celica hunting...

does anyone who has imported before have any words of wisdom? he is quoting me 3 months from form submission to me getting the keys.

I've given them a target of £6500 OTR, which they claim they can source a 1995, 60,000 mile, standard GT4 in excellent condition complete with a years warranty and 6 months tax, registered in my name with a full valet and all bodywork scratches and dings repaired.

Do i click "go"?
Hate said:
I've given them a target of £6500 OTR, which they claim they can source a 1995, 60,000 mile, standard GT4 in excellent condition complete with a years warranty and 6 months tax, registered in my name with a full valet and all bodywork scratches and dings repaired.

What about under-chassis sealant? Seeing as the older jap motors didnt need the salt protection we have over here.
I have my reasons, but i'm unable to travel miles to test drive atm and since you pay for the car in installments I am able to finance it without getting any form of credit.

plus they seem to be raved about on owners clubs AND i don't have to deal with sleazy salesmen!
yeah, undersealing is part of the prep work.

i'll prob shell out for a new cambelt while i'm at it - may as well get it all right!
6500 for the car, shipping, registration, full service, valet, ding removal, 12 months warranty, tax, 12 months MOT etc etc

Celicas seem to be more expensive than most thou.
I don't want the VR4 after driving a couple of NA V6 ones (and my mates ST202 celica) I decided I prefer the looks of the celica and the hatchback is also useful for my rat cage!
Go take a look at the Newera website, they import only the top grade cars, usually with a fair few modifications to boot. If I were going to import from Japan, it would be these guys I'd be giving my money to.
vanpeebles said:
it does seem a lot of money to me :(

Been looking on AT, 6500 will get you a 1995 GT4 with 56000 / 70000 miles on it, thats without all the other stuff Hate is getting from the garage, most you will know off the AT GT4 Price is £300 - £400.
yeah, miguel has been top draw in answering all my questions, and to make things even better their garage (who the warranty is with) is only 5 miles from my front door.

And the staggered payments mean I can afford it without taking a loan out.
one thing i would be wary of is the modifications done to the car. Theres a high likely hood it will have something done to it, if not loads. They are getting on a bit by jap standards and will most likely only be owned by serious enthusiasts now, or people tracking them...

The mods will more than likely push up your insurance if you can spot them all (maybe get the company to do it for you?) and potentially cause headakes if they go wrong (sourceing parts or replacements)

just something else to consider :) still very nice cars all in all (and fox doesn't like them, which is always a bonus ;))
I'd be trying for a facelifted model at that price with the slightly different lights etc :)

Although from a dealer, and having it imported at the same time/price not sure you'd be able to as they were the '96 model (although some 95s have the features)
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