Any WoW players fancy sharing some gold making tips?

3 Nov 2014
Newcastle, England
Basically as the title says, fairly new to wow, been playing a few months, could you point me in the right direction as to how i can making gold, reasonably fast i guess you could say but not fussed on the time span, just something really :p
Thanks for any help :)
When I quit 2 expansions ago my friend had about 2 million iirc, just trading in various things on the AH. Wonder how much he has now..........

Last time I returned to the game he gave me 100k startup funds. :p

Anyway, trading......
Be a healer or tank and then run random heroic Draenor dungeons when the call to arms Baneful loot bags show up under additional rewards. You can also gear your char to iLvl 695 pretty easily this way.
You can also look for lower level characters that will pay gold to have you run them through old content.

Run though the Black Temple, typically gets the high level around 1,500 gold + loot.
Real good money: Play the AH (buy low sell high, repeat) - downside is it takes a while to learn and means not playing the actual game.
Not bad: Farm and sell crafting materials.
Fun and not bad: solo the highest level dungeons you can.
What sort of matts could i farm and where do i go for a good farming spot? Which dungeons/raids are good for solo gold runs? Also have good loot drops?
I remember, in the early days before Wow was dumbed down, doing the run with a low level alliance character to get bandage books from the vendor in a 40+(?) area and selling them on the auction for plenty of profit.

Made some nice coin doing that.
When I quit 2 expansions ago my friend had about 2 million iirc, just trading in various things on the AH. Wonder how much he has now..........

Last time I returned to the game he gave me 100k startup funds. :p

Anyway, trading......

Back before Cat I tried my hand at buying and selling on the AH spent about 3 hours a day buying and re-listing, started with 800 gold and a month later had over 800.000 in gold and 5 guild banks full of items worth a few million but as so often I gave up to have some real fun :) haven't played Wow since cat and couldn't be happier for it.

What I did is buy in the morning early when a lot of price's were at the lowest and just re-listed them at an average price, mainly cloths,herbs,gems gear and metal using addon's of course to work out the normal prices ect.
Back before Cat I tried my hand at buying and selling on the AH spent about 3 hours a day buying and re-listing, started with 800 gold and a month later had over 800.000 in gold and 5 guild banks full of items worth a few million but as so often I gave up to have some real fun :) haven't played Wow since cat and couldn't be happier for it.

What I did is buy in the morning early when a lot of price's were at the lowest and just re-listed them at an average price, mainly cloths,herbs,gems gear and metal using addon's of course to work out the normal prices ect.

Nice man, what sort of addons did you use? Also, (i know you dont play anymore) but how many did you buy at a time? Also, if you arent using the gold your welcome to send it over to me :p :D
Back before Cat I tried my hand at buying and selling on the AH spent about 3 hours a day buying and re-listing, started with 800 gold and a month later had over 800.000 in gold and 5 guild banks full of items worth a few million but as so often I gave up to have some real fun :) haven't played Wow since cat and couldn't be happier for it.

What I did is buy in the morning early when a lot of price's were at the lowest and just re-listed them at an average price, mainly cloths,herbs,gems gear and metal using addon's of course to work out the normal prices ect.

Yeah I could never be bothered, just sponged off my mate. :p
The only quick and easy way to make gold is to visit Blizzard's web store, buy a WoW game time token and sell it in the AH for around 50k.

Getting gold any other way involves grinding and time. Lots of time.
I farm frostweave bags.

2 characters. 1 with tailoring and herbing, and 1 with enchanting.
Use your tailor to farm lots of cloth and greens using this guide, use your enchanter to DE the greens, send them back to your tailor and make a load of these.
They sell for 150 to 250 on just about every server.
You can only reset instances 5 times an hour, but i manage to make 10 bags in that time, and I sell them for only 120g each. ~1000g isn't bad for less than an hours work.

When I'm not doing bags, I just go herbing and rare hunting in Tanaan (with flying mount of course), I get tons of herbs and sell them on the AH, lots of primals which I buy hexweave cloth with to make 30 slot bags, then sell them for around 1200g each. Then any felblight I get just goes straight on the AH for 120g a piece, I aim for 10 of those a day before I stop herbing.

Made 50k in the last 20 days doing this, haven't paid a sub since starting it.
I farm frostweave bags.

2 characters. 1 with tailoring and herbing, and 1 with enchanting.
Use your tailor to farm lots of cloth and greens using this guide, use your enchanter to DE the greens, send them back to your tailor and make a load of these.
They sell for 150 to 250 on just about every server.
You can only reset instances 5 times an hour, but i manage to make 10 bags in that time, and I sell them for only 120g each. ~1000g isn't bad for less than an hours work.

When I'm not doing bags, I just go herbing and rare hunting in Tanaan (with flying mount of course), I get tons of herbs and sell them on the AH, lots of primals which I buy hexweave cloth with to make 30 slot bags, then sell them for around 1200g each. Then any felblight I get just goes straight on the AH for 120g a piece, I aim for 10 of those a day before I stop herbing.

Made 50k in the last 20 days doing this, haven't paid a sub since starting it.

Could you add me on and explan a little more? As i have a few questions, my name is TheAterix#2730
Just a few queries that's all :)
I remember, in the early days before Wow was dumbed down, doing the run with a low level alliance character to get bandage books from the vendor in a 40+(?) area and selling them on the auction for plenty of profit.

Made some nice coin doing that.

Pretty much my first gold making tactic too..

Sold for about 1200% profit iirc
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