I farm frostweave bags.
2 characters. 1 with tailoring and herbing, and 1 with enchanting.
Use your tailor to farm lots of cloth and greens
using this guide, use your enchanter to DE the greens, send them back to your tailor and make a load of
They sell for 150 to 250 on just about every server.
You can only reset instances 5 times an hour, but i manage to make 10 bags in that time, and I sell them for only 120g each. ~1000g isn't bad for less than an hours work.
When I'm not doing bags, I just go herbing and rare hunting in Tanaan (with flying mount of course), I get tons of herbs and sell them on the AH, lots of primals which I buy hexweave cloth with to make 30 slot bags, then sell them for around 1200g each. Then any felblight I get just goes straight on the AH for 120g a piece, I aim for 10 of those a day before I stop herbing.
Made 50k in the last 20 days doing this, haven't paid a sub since starting it.