Anybody had laser eye treatment?

18 Oct 2002
A while back I applied to join the Police. Passed the papersift and interview only to discover that my eyesight wasn't at the required standard. :(

My option is to either give up with the application or invest into have my short sightedness corrected via laser surgery. Cost is £1185, which I can afford no problem but I've obviously been researching the proceedure and some of the possible complications are really putting me off!

Anyone here had laser eye surgery? What kind of results did you get after treatment? Any complications?
That is quite frankly a mystery to me as well.

I could understand if I wore glasses and I was involved in a scuffle with somebody during an arrest. Glasses could be knocked off my face and I'd have trouble seeing then. Would be difficult to identify suspect, chasing after them etc.

But I wear contact lenses that are pretty nigh on impossible to accidently come out. But my girlfriends brother in law pointed out the other day, if I had to go to court then eyesight is one thing solicitors and barristers could really pick up on.

As part of the medical for the police you're required to read a chart from distance unaided and with glasses/contacts if you wear them. Its the former I have a problem with.
cleanbluesky said:
Even holding a stolen TV?

lol! :D

Right, well I've booked in for a consultation with Optimax in London for the 24th July.

I was given the option of having the surgery conducted immediately after but decided against it. My reason being that on that day I can only get down there via the tube and the though of making the journey back with very sensitive/painful eyes didn't appeal to me. At least this way I can go back a week later for the laser treatment and simply jump into my dads car, sit in the back and relax.

Good idea? Or shall I just phone back and get it all done on the same day?

Even if I'm not sucessful with the Police getting this done is still worth it. I currently spend £120 a year on contact lenses, £10-20 on an eye test every 2 years and then a new pair of glasses every 2 years costing around £150. After 6-7 years I'd be saving money.
Jenie said:
what kind of sight do you need to have then to join the police force? My O/H is thinking about joining but he wears glasses, cant be without them for very long as he gets a head ache and cant wear contact lenses as he has a massive fear of putting things near his eyes!!

Whats his prescription Jen? Mines -4.75 in one eye and -4.50 in the other.

If you've got a prescription of around -3.00 or below, you'll probably be ok. I was reading how one person had -3.75 and managed to pass but they did have to squint like anything!
Think I'll be having the Epi-Lasek procedure.

Couple of reasons:

1. Isn't as invasive
2. there is no cutting a lens flat so the structure of your eye stays stronger
3. Risk of haze is less
4. no risk of corneal ectasia
5. And most importantly, I've just seen this video regarding Lasik and I'm scared:


Think I can put up with the slightly longer recovery period and discomfort!
cleanbluesky said:
Ask her advice on this... I'm pretty active with the climbing and all and I am considering the laser surgery - a lot of orgnaisations (like the po-lice) wont touch people after laser-eye due to detatched retina concerns - does she know which procedures fit in best with organisations (I know SOME procedures are okay)

I'm no expert but I'd say epi-lasek is what your after.

With lasek, the top layer of the cornea is scraped off and then the laser is applied. This then grows back over the bare area during the next few days.

With Lasik, a flap is cut into the cornea, pulled back and the laser applied. The flap is then folded back. This cut can weaken the structure of your eye as it doesn't heal to to the strength it was before.
Raider said:
One question, does your eyesight need to be stable for the op?

I'm 24 and i'm still getting ever so slightly worse, an extra 0.25 each year maybe. If I got the op (which I won't in the foreseeable future), would my eyesight still deteriorate at the same rate?

You need to have had a stable prescription for the last 2 years.
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