Anybody know a program than can force a CD drive open

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Every now and then when copying a disk that may have an error on it, the CD drive can lock up and an EJECT won't work.
I've had this problem occur on every PC I've had since I had my first 1x CDROM many moons ago.
The only solution to get the drive open is a reboot of the machine.
So, is there a program out there that can force an eject on a locked drive?
I knew about the paperclip but my eyes are that bad I couldn't see the holes in my NEC drives until I got to within 6 inches of them.

hybrid said:
lol @ cupholder.rar.

Thats obviously one of those prank/joke type programs.

It is a very ooooooooold program that opens up your cd dive and presents the cup holder to you but whether it will do the job I want it to is another matter.
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