Anybody on here ever felt like doing a FALLING DOWN?

17 Nov 2018
You know what it 's like. A few things a day that **** you right off or official figures who won't listen to reason despite you knowing you're right but they only care about the rules and won't listen but the authority figures (Police, Bosses, court judges. etc) complain when you take matters into your own hands or take direct action and threaten you with punishment.
I'd tell them I complained several times and have evidence of what's going on but you didn't want to know or won't listen so what're you complaining about and threatening me with sanctions for?
Now come on, you must have felt like doing a FALLING DOWN at some point or other.

The FALLING DOWN I mean refers to the Micheal Douglas film
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Got to admit, it never crossed my mind.

Definitely, I’ve done things I’ve regretted out of anger, in that moment. When I’ve cooled off, I try to think how I could have handled things better without blowing things out of proportion.

it sounds like you are going through tough times. I’ve been there. I am sure many of us have too. Keeping positive and taking positive steps if you can.

All I can say is tnank **** for games like DOOM
Does the OP still have these thoughts? .

Sometimes and who hasn't had similar thoughts at some point or other?

Sometimes you've got to take things into your own hands, resort to drastic measures or use force to make unreasonable authority figures see sense and listen to reason (direct action's the only thing they understand but don't like it and complain).
How do I cope with stress and after a shift at work that leaves me wanting to kill somebody?
DOOM!!! But at one point I wanted to do a DOOM style glory kill on the boss who was stressing me out.
It wasn't the game, it was the situation during the shift, that made me want to do it.
It isn't just retail shopfloor workers that almost fly into a rage, it happens in other jobs. lie the policeman who finally catches the local young hooligan but the judge lets the said toerag off with a fine, ASBO and community serviceand warns the toerag's victims not to take matters into their own hands.
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