Anybody still enjoy the older movies?

* Metropolis (1927)
* Gaslight (1944)
* Psycho (1960)
* 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
* The Devils (1971)
* The Wicker Man (1973)
* Phase IV (1974)
Love The Million Pound Note, seen it quite a few times over the years.

Also 12 Angry Men (1957)

Saw Casablanca (1942) a few years ago for the first time and it was still a great film
How old is 'older'?
I recently re-watched the Dirty Harry series, but I wouldn't consider those especially old films...

I remember reading the book first and then actually quite enjoying The Maltese Falcon (1941).
Anything where the main character carries a snubnose in .38 Special, ideally in black & white, is usually pretty good.

When I was doing WW2 Living History, one of our American guys set up a GI cinema tent screening period films - Lots of Jane Russell that day!!

Good point.

I consider anything prior to 1970, but of course this is for me, so perhaps somebody has a better answer to this question.
Whilst classic B&W films never show the extent of sex & violence of the last few decades, they still pack a punch and some thrillers really make you think. Come to think of it, are very dark indeed.

I watched a Kirk Douglas film a few weeks back 'Ace in the Hole' - How true this film is.

I have lost interest in current films, end up discovering films online. To be honest, I struggle to remember the last true blockbuster - talking of the likes of Titanic, Gladiator etc?
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I prefer the older James Bond films from 1960s up to the late 1990s. Then particularly from Casino Royale onwards, the pace became slower and too serious for my liking. The last Bond that I really enjoyed was 1997's The World Is Not Enough.

Then there are films with car chases. Compare Fast & Furious with Mad Max. The Fast & Furious films being from the 2000s and 2010s are helped a lot by CGI effects, where Mad Max from 1979-1985 was raw footage of car chases. I find that a lot more satisfying to watch. I haven't seen Mad Max 4 yet though which I know only came out a few years ago.

The lack of CGI in Indy Jones 1-3 is also the reason why I prefer those over the more recent 4th film.
Battleground (1949)

First saw it when surfing sky on tmc about 20 years ago, one I've watched many times over. Old timey SC-FI from the 50's and 60's is something i'll never stop enjoying, caught the bug when they were shown on the old BBC 2 6 o'clock slot, with many more being aired on the SC-FI channel when it first started in the uk.

The bonus now is that I experience these films and old black and white genre tv in a little dark cinema in a VR hmd, it's absolutely the perfect setting.
Oh god yes.

The great dictator (1940)
Sahara (1943)
A matter of life and death (1946)
Brief encounter (1949)
Kind hearts and coronets (1949)
Stalag 17 (1953)
The cruel sea (1953)
Them (1954)
This island earth (1955)
Mr Roberts (1955)
The one that got away (1957)
Ice cold in Alex (1958)
Fail safe (1964)
The train (1964)
The satan bug (1965)

I could go on and on and on tbh. :p
I love old War movies. Yes they're corny but I love the fact everything is "real" rather than a bunch of nasty looking CGI (looking at you Redtails!).
Oh god yes.

The great dictator (1940)
Sahara (1943)
A matter of life and death (1946)
Brief encounter (1949)
Kind hearts and coronets (1949)
Stalag 17 (1953)
The cruel sea (1953)
Them (1954)
This island earth (1955)
Mr Roberts (1955)
The one that got away (1957)
Ice cold in Alex (1958)
Fail safe (1964)
The train (1964)
The satan bug (1965)

I could go on and on and on tbh. :p
Them is a cracking film. I remember seeing it when I was really young, maybe around 4 or 5, and it was one of those films that just stuck with me for life. I spent years trying to track it down, but because I was so young when I saw it I couldn't remember a whole lot to go on other than it had giant creatures (I mistakenly thought it was spiders, so that didn't help in my quest to track it down) and flamethrowers getting used in sewers or tunnels (I suspect James Cameron may have been a fan) and that I had loved it. When I did eventually get my hands on it I was worried it was never going to live up to my (admittedly sketchy) memories, but happily I still thought it was great.

It's just a shame not many people seem to have heard of it, never mind seen it.
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