Anybody use(d) Wireless ISP?

1 Dec 2002

Im moving to an area where I am unlikely to get ADSL, I have however found an ISP that provider wireless access.. In general, what is Wireless internet like? They provide 1mb and 2mb options, am i likely to get that sort of speed? (assuming the backbone is there to support this).. Will the speed drop, or the connection drop in bad weather?

I might try to use VoIP, would the connection be able to handle this? Or will the lag be too high?
Vicar said:
The connection itself is very stable and although now being used to 10 Cable, the 512k felt like dial up, it does the job.

Tell me about it.. I am currently on 10mb cable, but unfortunately there is no cable where Im moving to, and possibly too far away from the exchange for ADSL.. So the only option available might be wireless.. I am glad its stable though, I guess I have to live with the speed until technology improves.
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