Anybody used UK Circuit Guide (

28 Sep 2003
Leamington Spa
Brushing up on things in preparation for my ARDS and beyond, just wondering if anyone has used this?

It sounds like it would be handy before track days/events in the future and just generally a good read before I went to each circuit. I'm struggling to find out what anyone makes of it, it's generic name not helping in google searches!

While on the subject, any other racers here have any other books they recommend?
I knew I shouldn't have mentioned the ARDS!

Really, the two aren't related. I've been reading around for the test and I feel happy enough in what I know, and what I'll be taught on the day. I'm not even sure why I mentioned the ARDS in relation to it.

I'm really into my driving, and just realised I've never even considered doing any serious reading around the theory of it. Maybe it's a waste of time, maybe there's some really interesting stuff to be learnt.

I was thinking past that, when I'd actually be wanting to enter events, is something like this worth looking at to get a feel for the layout of the track before I go on it? I can always just go out there and feel my way round, was just curious if anyone else had found things like this useful.

Thanks for the input though, always appreciated Housey :)
Yep, I've been looking into the racing sims. LFS was my sim of choice, but of course sadly no real tracks in there! It's taught me a few valuable lessons though hopefully. I'll look into the others. I'd heard good things about that dvd as well, I'll have a look around.

I appreciate that nothing makes up for real track time/experience but currently I'm knee deep in car repairs so real track stuff is going to have to wait!
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