Anybody who's online NOW want to play some CS:S NOW?

9 Jul 2006
Fancy going and playing some counter strike: source, anybody online atm who's interested in joining me? there must be some other students on here who have nothing better to do at this time of the night :p

Sorry about posting it in GD, forgot about this forum...

Edit: no? fine :(
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Dam saw this a bit late, id of had you a game. I'm pretty rubbish though but improving slightly. I usually like to play servers that use the same map, i.e pool party and ice world, fun maps but not the stupid fun maps where you jump really high and stuff. I usually get like 100 kills and 85 deaths so i wouldn't be much competition unless there is a few of us playing. You'll have to post the IP of the server you play on next time so people can join, My name is MarkA OcUK on CSS btw.
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