Anybody with a maths degree here?

2 Dec 2006
Hey, well ive been accepted to do maths at Leeds and i just got through the post 3 pages worth of "revision" from them.

I was wondering if any of you who have done maths degrees could point me in the direction of some good books/websites extra to aid me during my course and anything you think might help prepare me for the course.

Thanks :)
Ok cheers guys. I wasn't really looking to get a head start so much as what i should look at to brush up on. Rustiness + nerves = blank mind I usually find.

Mainly im looking for sources to use throughout uni as I found it particularly hard to find books for further maths and there appears to be a a lot of good suggestions so i shall look into them thankyou :)

Also im actually quite glad to know that the visualizing aspect is what people find hard as it happens to be one of my best areas. I also happen to really like calculus, i found it a breeze and taught most of my maths class and rather worryingly one of my teachers how to do integration by parts.


Another question for you people who have came out of uni. How have you found the job market and careers to be like. Im hoping to get some good pay with a maths degree, my dad works quite high up in hsbc although he doesn't have a maths degree but he sees the levels some of the luckier ones get into and their pay checks are nuts considering.
Do any of you have learning disabilities like dyslexia? Do you know if id be able to get these books with book tokens I believe i am eligible for? They are adding up to quite a bit. Leeds sent me an advert to get one as well, "what its like to be a mathematician" think thats it.

Also im not just doing a maths degree for the money. Its my best subject and i very much enjoy it. But i would never of taken a uni degree I couldn't make a good amount of money out of either. I see no reason to aim low in life.
Not sure to be honest. If they give you book tokens, then I imagine you can spend them on any book relevant to your degree.

Or you could just save up for them? I think the Roger Penrose book I mentioned goes for around a tenner.

To prove i need help is already costing me £500 and they want me to do it again for the third year because they fail to understand that i will always be like this.

Ill be damned if i don't use every token they give me lol.

I wouldn't bother buying books until you start the course and see if you think you'll actually need them. It all depends on the lecturer - some will provide material that follows the recommended books very closely, some will just provide so much material that you never need to look at a book and some provide as little as they possibly can. I have found that books are more important in practical subjects or for projects than things like maths where you won't be asked to work on something you've not covered.

Yeah probably the best thing. Ive put an order in for the book leeds advised me to get because they appear to be sold out almost everywhere.
I'd assume that there is some monetary benefit to shelling out the £500. But yes, if they give you book tokens, then you can use them on books!

Nope with my conditions the only benefits ill be getting out of it is the extra time, larger paper and possibly book tokens. But without extra time and larger papers ill fail. Yeah i gues ill go shoping with them if i get them see all the things i can get.
My edited post basically just said that I don't think you should see not having extra time, larger print etc... as something that will MAKE you fail. I never had it (though I don't know which learning disability you have) and I passed without any help. So perhaps you don't need to look at it as something that will make you pass or fail

My eyes alternate so i read very badly. In my english paper they gave me a normal sized one and because they altinate i missed out an entire line of text on the 50% essay question and wrote a totally wrong answer. It had to go into special consideration. I very much need the bigger papers. And due to my slower reading i very much need extra time, i cant finish any papers without it usually.

Now i think about it, i believe the book tokens will be for me to get larger print books. I actually don't read books any more becaues they give me headaches and its such a mission i miss out so many words i gave up. It's a shame because i like reading.


But obviously i read text books for academic reasons. But i don't read for fun any more.
You can buy an eReader and inflate the text size. If your anything like me, printing black text of different coloured backgrounds helps with reading and not getting head aches. Have a go with it and see how you get on.

Have you spoken to the disability service at your uni about your allowances? I have an illness that can affect me in a similar way to dyslexia and I was given a dictaphone to record lectures. You should also get copies of all slides/notes used by lecturers that you'd otherwise be expected to write during a lecture.

Cheers, both of these ideas would be brilliant. Ill definitely look into it. Unfortunately till i get the report done i doubt ill be able to get very far into finding out what i can get. Im meeting up with the doctor on Friday to have tests down and get a full report written up.
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