Anyone able to handle a print :)

System Admin
9 Aug 2013
Hi guys,

Is anyone able to handle one of these for me please?

Just the Saturn_V_Exhaust_Hollow.stl file, none of the rest.

The quality / resolution etc doesnt have to be amazing but online services are quoting mega money for it.

Many thanks
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Not surprised the online services are charging a lot for it to be honest as it's quite a large and complex model requiring support structures and would take long to print. I put it into a slicer for a rough estimate and it said 18hrs and around £8 (400g) worth of filament. Factoring in that £8 cost, cost of electric of ~300w per hour etc, post and packaging you're approaching £15 in material costs before profit, that doesn't even count labour.
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Hi guys,

Is anyone able to handle one of these for me please?

Just the Saturn_V_Exhaust_Hollow.stl file, none of the rest.

The quality / resolution etc doesnt have to be amazing but online services are quoting mega money for it.

Many thanks
Doesn’t look that bad if just the exhaust plume, so happy to take a look.
Looking for it to be translucent at all for lightning?

EDIT: Ok, I didn't quite get the size when looking on my phone, wafflecart is correct for sure :)

Does it need to be full size at approx 200mm cubed?
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How about you buy my modded Ender 3, and then do it yourself, and I put that money towards the X1C I'm looking at :D
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