Anyone actually use Tversity and a 360?

22 Aug 2004
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has actually gotten tversity to work? im stumped i install it, access through MCE, folders etc all show up but nothing plays, i mean nothing. Cant access streaming media cant play local video, menus seem all, broken, just wondering if its me of if its just, well, a bit naff. Was looking for an alternate to transcode360 and mce as it wont play some files. info?
lol im a dick. Just realised you dont run it from mce, thats why its broke. You find the server in videos on the dashboard. Managed to play youtube xplay and watch CNN. This will come into its own as more dedicated live channels come on stream.
I never said it was. What i was saying was that his CPU wasn't being maxed out transcoding and therefore fully capable of doing it on the fly, hence the less than 100% load, but the wireless bandwidth wasn't able to transfer full 1080p in real-time, hence the buffering. I know 720p comes close to maxing out my wireless so it's not unfeasible to assume 1080p would exceed it causing the aforementioned buffering.

After marv had explained his problem in full i now realize it is a software limitation, but on what information i was going by i don't think my theory was too outlandish.

My point is, transcoding is done at the PC, so since a 360 on 100mbs ethernet is fully capable of streaming a native WMV in 1080p, why would it have more trouble streaming an mkv or whatever once transcode had converted it to WMV.

The PC takes your video, locally, and converts it, again locally, into WMV (or is it mpeg? cant remember) which the 360 plays in realtime. Thus as long as the 360 CAN stream a 1080p feed there is no way that transcoding can affect that.

The answer to your question, as already stated is that the software and codecs therin do not fully make use of multi core multi threaded processing. Things will improve in time.
I fully understand the process of transcoding, i think what you missed is the fact that i asked whether marv was using wireless or ethernet as wireless could possibly be incapable of transferring the amount of data needed to stream 1080p media.

When he explained that he was using ethernet i then understood that it is a limitation of the software.

Yeah m8, looking back i dont see that you wrote anything suggesting otherwise. Was more pointing things out to the thread in general as people seemed to be going off on one about 100mbs vs gb which is a rhetoric thats all. Looks like you jumped into your own defence when you were in the right anyway lol
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