Anyone catch Farscape - The Peacekeeper Wars

18 Oct 2002
The other night on Channel 5? Watched it for the first time and damn I was impressed :) took me back to the good old days of Farscape, made me realise what a damned fine show it was.

Was really upset near the end, won't spoil it though.

Anyone else watch it?
Watched the first half of it, but after a while the wooden acting becomes unbearable, and it reminded me of the series which i always liked but always wondered why in the name of god had the aussies colonised space ?
I don't agree Vader it was awful, it was like every cliche they could gather was stuck in that spaceship, the characters and makeup were, erm dubious (I wanted to leap through my televison and physically assault most of them). The acting was atrocious and Farscape in its day, well I am glad it ended. :p
As a stand alone mini-series it doesnt really work. You have to have pretty much followed the series to understand a lot of what is happening. Its actually fairly slow until the last 15 or 20 minutes when you get to the "punchline" as it were.

I dont agree that the makeup etc is bad at all. I cant think of another Sci-Fi series that does it better, apart from perhaps B5 with G'Kar. The colours used in it for some of the costumes and aliens does tend to be a bit garish though. I certainly didnt find Ben Browders acting wooden as he was the usual manic Chrichton, and as in all shows the other actors were a bit variable. In fact i'd go as far to say that Browders acting in the last 15 minutes or so was pretty good at portraying the conflict, emotion and pain his character was in. Those of you that turned off will of course have missed this.

I think Farscape is one of those shows you either get or you dont, its punctuated with pop culture references and as for the show being full of cliches thats actually part of its charm and somewhat deliberate. All Sci-Fi shows are somewhat cliched by their very nature.

Whatever people think of the PeaceKeeper Wars it does show that fans do have power as without the massive fan campaign it would never have been made, although going by some of the responses here it looks like some wish that it hadnt :p

So somewhat obviously if you were a fan of Farscape you'd have liked the PeaceKeeper Wars especially the last 15 minutes, if you had a passing interest or had never seen Farscape before you're not very likely to get much out of it.
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melchy said:

Spot on - for anyone who had watched the whole series it was very important to tie up a lot of the loose ends left when the show was so suddenly cancelled.

I found it really frustrating when it was cancelled because they could only afford to continue funding one series, and they chose Stargate. Stargate was good when it started, but they rapidly ran out of story ideas and kept recycling the same ones, just using a different planet.
unclelonghair said:
Spot on - for anyone who had watched the whole series it was very important to tie up a lot of the loose ends left when the show was so suddenly cancelled.

I found it really frustrating when it was cancelled because they could only afford to continue funding one series, and they chose Stargate. Stargate was good when it started, but they rapidly ran out of story ideas and kept recycling the same ones, just using a different planet.

Both Ben Browder and Claudia Black are now in Stargate of course, so there is some justice :)
unclelonghair said:
. . . and they chose Stargate.
Explaining why the cast just moved from one to the other.

Have you also noticed how the Stargate cast is almost entirely made up from actors that died in the X-Files?
Borris said:
Explaining why the cast just moved from one to the other.

Have you also noticed how the Stargate cast is almost entirely made up from actors that died in the X-Files?

LOL, but there is a lot of truth to that :D
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