Anyone catch Police Interceptors Friday?

28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Just catching up on TV I missed these last few days – already posted in the thread about the Moto 2 rider, sad news, but I’ve also just watched Police Interceptors from Friday – anyone see it?

They pull over a guy riding a BMW tourer of some sort, and the guy is a complete and utter ****!

Although you don’t see it on camera, he apparently FILTERS (his words) between two cars doing 80mph on a 70mph dual carriageway :eek: And when they are trying to pull him, he supposedly gives the V sign to the following Police car – although that is also off camera.

The guy shows total and utter lack of respect for the officers and acts like a complete prat, I hope he had the book thrown at him just because of that!

Mini-rant over ;)
Yeah, what an idiot. Bet he was gutted when he realised he'd just given the v's to a unmarked cop car. I think his attitude stank when talking to the police. I laughed when he started going on about how the cop car nearly killed him or something.
Yeah, he really was a knobber, lol.

I remember watching a video on youtube, as you do, from a KTM rider who was filming some sort of video diary/debate as he was riding – hand gestures and all! The Police pulled him over to see what he was up to and he had a similar attitude, but admittedly, not as bad as Mr BMW.

I don’t get it personally, why be like that towards the coppers?
I came across a few of those types when I was in the BMW owner's club - their reckless and arrogant attitudes meant they often came unstuck and always blamed the other party for it. Not entirely surprised he carried it on with the coppers either, hope it backfired on him.
Easy easy :( :p

Having been to BMW mottorad a few times I can confirm that there are a lot of knobs owning great big BMWs covered in panniers and top boxes, all the kit including the BMW helmet riding to work in London.

I think the popularity of Ewan and thingy's tours have seen an increase in adventure bike sales.

You can easily do 20k in BMW on your 1200 GS including every extra and all the kit
Heh that was a bit of a rant :). Nothing against Beemer riders in particular, just against the attitude in anyone really.
Just watched it, what a tool, obviously thought he was more intelligent than the coppers so tried giving them the 'I know my rights' routine.
Now refusing to take your lid off in the supermarket or Petrol station is one thing but at least take it off to the police...
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Did you also see when pulled away he nearly got hit by a car and then ran the red light?

Yeah, I saw that :eek: What a knobber, would have been pretty funny if they pulled him again!

I don't have anything against what he was riding, I love all bikers (awwww :D), I just really hated his attitude.

Oooh, here's an observation I’ve had over the last few years of riding, and I’m really trying not to stray into stereotypes here – but what is it with the majority of BMW GS riders? You know the ones – all kitted up like they’ve rolled off the set of Long Way Down, sometimes two-up with matching his and hers lids…. they return a nod back, about as often as a BWM car driver indicates :p

I know some people can be a bit elitist on bikes, but me and a mate once passed some sort of GS group ride last year, about 15 bikes in total, and try as we might with nods, lifting of hands or a quick light flash, not a single one returned the sentiment :(
I've had a few from them - to be honest, I think they deserve a nod - can't imagine riding one of those houses on two wheels :eek:
You know the ones – all kitted up like they’ve rolled off the set of Long Way Down, sometimes two-up with matching his and hers lids…. they return a nod back, about as often as a BWM car driver indicates :p

Ha ha, I see one on my way to work every morning. His lid has a funky hologram visor and every morning I see him on the same stretch and every morning I give him and nod. He doesn't nod back, but I still carry on doing it every day just to see if he will ever nod back.
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