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Anyone Disappointed With X1900 Performance

8 May 2004
After much reading I found my self disappointed with the X1900xt scores in games and 3dmark most sites only use the Gforce 7800 GTX 256 which is a slow card

I know ATI are best for image Quality

3DMark 05 1024x764
X1900 XT = 10958
My Geforce 7800 GTX 512 = 10008

Now my system isn't as good as the system they used for the 1900's so I would get higher if the systems were the same Here's some other stats

3DMark 06 1240X1024
X1900 XT = 5579
GF 7800 GTX 512 = 5419

Half Life 2 -
Not my Card now as I don't know what test they use

HL2 Lost Coast Max Settings, 1280x1024 4xAA/8xAF
X1900 XT = 97
GF 7800 GTX 256 = 95

HL2 Lost Coast Max Settings, 1600x1280 4xAA/8xAF
X1900 XT = 78
GF 7800 GTX 256 = 74

Now I expected A little more power from this card I know there's a XTX version but really it isn't a great deal more powerful does anyone else feel Disappointed with the speed of this card.
the funniest thing is reviews still tend to use the 7800GTX256 reference cards (430/1200) whereas almost all cards ship with higher clockspeeds than that and therefore the often few-frame defecit is usually even less.
Am i right in thinking the x1800XT out performs the 7800GTX 256 in games? Sorry to change the topic...
benjo1989 said:
Am i right in thinking the x1800XT out performs the 7800GTX 256 in games? Sorry to change the topic...

Yes it does. :)

Back OT.

Strange from the reviews ive read, Guru3D etc... the x1900 is up to 15fps faster than the 512mb GTX in some cases, and it absolutely trounces the 256mb. :confused:

Never go by 3D marks when buying a gfx card, higher score is not better, take the 256mb GTX hammers the x1800 XT in 06, yet in games the x1800 XT is faster. :)
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Dissapointed, lol. It's most of the times faster than the GTX512, it's cheaper, better available and has more features (FP HDR + AA & HQAF).
I would be dissapointed if i bought a GTX512 last week... :D
benjo1989 said:
Am i right in thinking the x1800XT out performs the 7800GTX 256 in games? Sorry to change the topic...

depending on the games, yes it is slightly faster at the higher resolutions when AA and AF is used in DX games.
dreigns said:
After much reading I found my self disappointed with the X1900xt scores in games and 3dmark most sites only use the Gforce 7800 GTX 256 which is a slow card

you mean its slower vs a 1900xt by no means a slow card at all :p
Yup, at resolutions like 19x12 the x1900's shine, Fear can be played at higher resolutions than 16x12 now, and still be playable on the x1900.

At resolutions up to, and including 16x12 the x1900 is faster, but not by that much, but when the resolutions are cranked up higher, it leaves the rest for dust.

It will only benefit those who want, and can run at higher resolutions than 16x12.
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brucey034 said:
im more than happy i saved money and went for x1800xt than the x1900

best value for sure

Agreed, when your limited to 1280x1024 on a TFT like me, then theres no point going for the x1900, as its not going to be that much faster than the x1800 XT, it is slightly faster, but a few more frames is not worth the extra £200, happy x1800 XT owner here to. :)
eXor said:
Surely a person with such a moniker owns a 2405 or better :confused:


LoL, no, i would get a bigger one, but i like this one to much as the display is an absolute cracker, plus its got no dead/lazy pixels, so im to scared to get another one in case it has. :D
lol loadsa, same here. 12x10 and just got an 1800xt, will be fitting it on sunday afternoon. can't wait

good ol' bang for buck!!
when your limited to 1280x1024 on a TFT like me, then theres no point going for the x1900

There are situations where the X1900 totally rapes the X1800, and that is with FP HDR rendering plus FSAA. The graphs show 1600x1200 with HDR and AA, but i think that more or less the same happens @ 1280x1024;



Even without AA the X1800XT is demolished here;



Looking at all the above i can only say that the X1900's are AWESOME cards. :cool:
you are all going on about having expensive monitors for high resolutions etc.

I have a 3-4 year old Dell CRT, which i can run in as high a res as any, and it only cost me £180 off ebay (4-5 years ago) they are under £100 now, and i really cant see myself replacing it within the next 3-4 years (unless i quit gaming in which case ill get a flat screen, for games though im CRT all the way)

LCDs didnt work for me while playing games, didnt feel right on an 2001FP, but anyway, despite being able to run these high res', i still only ever really play in 1280x1024 with AA/AF cranked up on a 7800GTX.

i dont know why but i was considering trading up to the X1900, but there is no point for people like me who dont want to run games in 1600x1200, again, for me that res doesnt play right for me, very hard to explain, but im very picky with my games and graphics etc.
LoadsaMoney said:
Yup, at resolutions like 19x12 the x1900's shine, Fear can be played at higher resolutions than 16x12 now, and still be playable on the x1900.

At resolutions up to, and including 16x12 the x1900 is faster, but not by that much, but when the resolutions are cranked up higher, it leaves the rest for dust.

It will only benefit those who want, and can run at higher resolutions than 16x12.
Believe me, Fear looks and feels great at 1920x1440. I was surprised by how smooth the gameplay actually is, very different to the lower resolutions. I've got ever slider at max and it never pauses, not a stutter. Loving it.

On the OP's question, disappointed, umm...no.
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