anyone else collect vinyl ?

25 Oct 2016
picked up 65 albums this weekend :D

Quite a few vinyl fans in here. Which turntable and cartridge are you using?

Oh I've only just started again this year when i was given a audio technica for my birthday , I've hooked it up to a old AV amp and some Ditton speakers


I have that smiths LP on a repress, is that one original?

Thats a US press of Magical Mystery Tour by The Beatles so its a full album.

Thats a new 2M bronze on there with about 15-20 hours on it its absolutely lovely! I take it someone sold the bulk lot OP? What table are you using?

They are all first pressing , I used to go a rock club years ago and they still have a FB page so I asked if anyone had any LP's they don't play anymore and this guy went up his loft and got these down for me :)
It also is going to leave a lot of people disappointed in all the media hype and BS... For sure vinyl can sound superb..... at a price point and quality level, sadly higher than most people will pay. Pound for pound digital will sound better until you invest enough in analogue.
Some will end up falling for the hype, buy a crappy deck and some records and wonder why they went back to poor sound and crackles compared to the MP3 on their phone !!
I'm just waiting for the bubble to burst and people start complaining for whom it hasn't lived up to the reports and hype they read. Which in turn could cause the industry to abandon it all over again.... I hope not.

For me its about recapturing the memory's of my teens , i had a massive collection of first press albums (all of Zeppelin , massive fan ) then i moved house (20 years ago) to the country and left the vinyl in a wooden garage whilst we renovated the house .came back to them a year later and mice had eaten the lot !! (my own fault)

regarding the quality , in my teens i only had a crappy player and i loved it :)
CD has its benefits ,mostly not have to get up and flip it every twenty mins , but there is nothing better than lighting the fire having a beer reading the sleeve notes on a record :)
I picked up a killers 7inch box set years ago for £40 I think , never opened it , currently one on discogs for £400 !!!!
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